How to help your child manage their online reputation

Whether your child has been socially active online for a while now or you just handed your young one their first ever smartphone, now is an excellent time to think about managing their online reputation.

The concept may sound overwhelming, but doing it is easy. Since you’re no doubt talking to your kids about how to keep themselves safe online, you might as well open up about online reputations and how to create or maintain a positive one.

What’s an online reputation?

An online reputation is a culmination of what you post online about yourself and what other people post about you. Essentially, it’s your child’s online presence seen from the point-of-view of other people. Your child must understand what they should and shouldn’t be sharing online, publicly on social media, or privately in chat.

It’s equally crucial for your child to understand that what they do online can adversely affect others and themselves offline.

Why should your child manage their online reputation?

In principle, managing a personal online reputation is similar to how businesses manage theirs. Business owners know the value of having a good reputation online—it opens up excellent business opportunities, and increases trust and loyalty of the brand.

A positive reputation is important to individuals, too. Otherwise, people miss out on job opportunities they like or may not get admitted to good schools, among others. The first scenario is particularly true since employers often check applicants’ social accounts to get a glimpse of who they are as part of the hiring process.

Online reputation management 101

Here are some lines of conversation you can use to help kids learn about managing their online reputation:

Think before you post

A pre-teen or a teen may already know about this, but it’s essential to keep driving this home. Once something is on the internet, it can’t be fully taken back, even if it’s deleted. If in doubt, don’t post it.

There’s a story of one Twitter user who got accepted at the most coveted NASA internship. But because a tweet contained vulgar language and “NASA” was hashtagged, a former NASA engineer saw the tweet and commented on the language this user used. NASA eventually canceled the internship.

Private things should stay private, but sometimes they don’t

While one should be careful about what they post online in public, your kid should also know what not to post or share in private. 

Stress that just because they post something privately doesn’t mean it’ll remain private. Secrets get passed on, accounts get hacked, and online repositories get breached, leaking sensitive data. It’s best not to share something you don’t want millions of internet users to see.

Carolyn Bunting, CEO of Internet Matters, an organization that aims to teach parents on how to keep their children safe online, says it best: “A good general rule when it comes to content is the T-shirt test—if you wouldn’t wear it on a T-shirt, then don’t post it online.”

Err on the side of caution. We’ve heard countless stories of inappropriate images being passed around because someone decided to trust their partner with their sensitive photos.

Be positive with how you conduct yourself online

Agree with your child that, to the best of their abilities, they will:

  • Be respectful of others.
  • Be kind and helpful.
  • Stick to the rules.

We teach our kids these rules when navigating the real world, and the same rules should apply online.

This is also an excellent opportunity to talk to them about the many personas they might encounter online. The most notable are the bully, the troll, and the groomer. 

Tell them to block a user and report them to the site they’re on if they see any bullyingtrolling, and grooming behavior. And it’s not just social media, blocking and reporting should apply to video gaming communities with which your child is associated as well.

Search yourself

It’s safe to assume that everyone who uses the internet has entered their name into a search engine at least once.

Searching your child’s name is a good way to check what people have said about them across multiple social media posts. You can also search for their email address, account usernames, and phone numbers to see if these have made their way into some corner of the internet. And make this a regular thing.

If, say, an email address ends up in a list of leaked data that you or your child is not aware of, you now know they need to change their password and (perhaps begrudgingly) enable two-factor authentication (2FA).

Let’s make it right

We all make mistakes, and we often believe such mistakes will continue to haunt our online lives. Because the internet never forgets—or at least that’s what the adage says.

To a degree, that is true, as some organizations keep data about all of us, not giving us a deadline for deletion. Many internet users can now appeal to “higher powers” to be forgotten. There’s a lot of reading and understanding involved in this subject, so ensure you and your child understand their rights and how they can submit a request.

Your child’s past shouldn’t define their future. People eventually grow up. Their thoughts and feelings about certain things change—often for the better. So if there is anything online that shows incriminating content about or from your child, make it right together by filing for takedowns. 

Final thoughts

Every internet user has a sort of brand reputation, whether or not they are aware of this. The sooner you tell your kids about online reputation and the importance of having and maintaining a good one, the better they will be at leaving positive digital footprints online early on.

More than words, parents and guardians should also model the behavior. Thankfully, it’s never too late to start.

WPGateway WordPress plugin vulnerability could allow full site takeover

There’s been a few WordPress plugin vulnerabilities in the wild recently, and today we have another one to add to the list. Sometimes when word breaks of a WordPress plugin issue, a fix is already available and all you have to do is perform an update. On other occasions, the attack is live and out there doing damage with no fix yet available. Sadly, this current exploit is an example of the latter.

WPGateway allows WordPress users to run WordPress sites from one dashboard. Unfortunately, research shows that part of this functionality puts both the site and the site’s users at risk.

Beware of rogue admins

The issue in question allows unauthenticated individuals to add rogue users to the site. Those unauthorised users have full admin privileges, which essentially results in a full site takeover thanks to the plugin.

At this point, the compromiser can do what they want with the hijacked website. They are in full control, which is not a great situation for anybody. The vulnerability is listed on the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures site as CVE-2022-3180. However, no additional information is forthcoming yet as the page has merely been reserved at this point.

Active exploitation

The issue was first discovered on September 8, and is being actively exploited. There is very little additional information to go on at this point, as the specifics of the vulnerability are being withheld. As a result, people will largely be reliant on the WPGateway team to get a patch put together.

Detecting and avoiding compromise

Options are limited, but for now the main advice from Wordfence is this:

  • Remove the plugin installation until a patch is made available.

  • Check for malicious admin accounts in your WordPress dashboard. The username  “rangex” is a common indicator of compromise.

You can also check site access logs for requests to: //wp-content/plugins/wpgateway/wpgateway-webservice-new.php?wp_new_credentials=1. This indicates an attack attempt was made, but does not mean your site has been compromised. This is why checking for the “rangex” username is so important. Fingers crossed that this issue will receive a speedy patch from the plugin developers.

Stay safe out there!

Update now! Microsoft patches two zero-days

The Microsoft September 2022 Patch Tuesday includes fixes for two publicly disclosed zero-day vulnerabilities, one of which is known to be actively exploited.

Five of the 60+ security vulnerabilities were rated as “Critical”, and 57 as important. Two vulnerabilities qualify as zero-days, with one of them being actively exploited.


The first zero-day, CVE-2022-37969, is a Windows Common Log File System Driver Elevation of Privilege (EoP) vulnerability. An attacker who successfully exploits this vulnerability could gain SYSTEM privileges, although the attacker must already have access and the ability to run code on the target system. This technique does not allow for remote code execution in cases where the attacker does not already have that ability on the target system. This flaw is already being exploited in the wild.

Privilege escalation is the act of exploiting a bug, design flaw, or configuration oversight in an operating system or software application to gain elevated access to resources that are normally protected from an application or user. The result is that an application with more privileges than intended by the application developer or system administrator can perform unauthorized actions.

The second zero-day, CVE-2022-23960, is an Arm cache speculation restriction vulnerability that is unlikely to be exploited. Certain Arm Cortex and Neoverse processors through 2022-03-08 do not properly restrict cache speculation, aka Spectre-BHB. An attacker can leverage the shared branch history in the Branch History Buffer (BHB) to influence mis-predicted branches. Then, cache allocation can allow the attacker to obtain sensitive information. The vulnerability was disclosed in March by researchers at VUSec.

The critical vulnerabilities

CVE-2022-35805 and CVE-2022-34700 are both Microsoft Dynamics CRM (on-premises) Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerabilities. An authenticated user could run a specially crafted trusted solution package to execute arbitrary SQL commands. From there the attacker could escalate and execute commands as db_owner within their Dynamics 365 database.

CVE-2022-34718: a Windows TCP/IP RCE vulnerability with a CVSS score of 9.8 out of 10. An unauthenticated attacker could send a specially crafted IPv6 packet to a Windows node where IPSec is enabled, which could enable a remote code execution exploitation on that machine. Only systems with the IPSec service running are vulnerable to this attack. Systems are not affected if IPv6 is disabled on the target machine.

CVE-2022-34721 and CVE-2022-34722: are both Windows Internet Key Exchange (IKE) Protocol Extensions RCE vulnerabilities with a CVSS score of 9.8 out of 10. An unauthenticated attacker could send a specially crafted IP packet to a target machine that is running Windows and has IPSec enabled, which could enable a remote code execution exploitation. The vulnerability only impacts IKEv1. IKEv2 is not impacted. However, all Windows Servers are affected because they accept both V1 and V2 packets.

Other vendors

Other vendors have synchronized their periodic updates with Microsoft. Here are few major ones:

Stay patched!

The privacy concerns of tying SIM cards to real identities

The registration of SIM cards tied to a verified identity is back in the news, off the back of large-scale phone fraud. In what some may call a knee-jerk response to a problem, there are calls to revive a legal bill and make it law. What’s happening, and what are the potential ramifications?

Hitting spam with the registration hammer

More than 1 billion suspicious messages and spam texts have been sent in the Philippines in 2022 so far. These messages run the usual range of phishing and fraudulent transaction attempts. This is enough to have Senators calling for “tougher measures” on cybercrime.

This would be in the form of a bill drafted earlier in the year, aiming to have social media users register legal identities and phone numbers. Turned down due to a lack of detail and guidelines which “may give rise to a situation of dangerous state intrusion and surveillance threatening many constitutionally protected rights”, it’s now back on the table. The problem is, there appears to be no fix for privacy invasion and the more general concerns outside of social media use.

The weaving web of SIM registration

Tying SIM cards to real world identity registration is an idea which has been around for a long time. In many places, there doesn’t appear to be much of an appetite for such a policy. In the UK, for example, you can buy any SIM of your choosing with cash and start using it in your phone, although that’s not to say mandatory registration of one form or another doesn’t exist.

China has a well known daisy-chain of registrations for all manner of online and offline activities. Real name registration is tied to online accounts, which as noted by Comparitech means there’s no way to make anonymous accounts when combined with SIM registration.

Elsewhere, several nations have put it forward as a legal suggestion only to go on and retract the idea. It’s the very definition of a “blowing hot and cold” topic.

The risks of SIM registration

There are many potentially harmful privacy issues where tying ID to SIM purchasing is concerned.

  1. Oppressive regimes are only too happy for people trying to evade censorship to become tangled up in registration schemes. The chilling effect on free speech is overt in these scenarios.

  2. People and families at risk from domestic abuse may struggle to register a SIM, especially in situations where money is tight or they’re on the run without identity documents. It’s also one more database for all their information to wind up on, with the possibility of a breach and leak down the line.

  3. You can almost guarantee any such data will be plugged into marketing and advertising, especially in places where there’s no provision to expressly forbid such a thing. This could easily tie back to point 2 in several ways which aren’t beneficial to the person under threat.

Kicking the can down the road?

At a time when tracking, data disclosure, and location issues are coming under increasing scrutiny, this feels very much like something not likely to get off the ground in places where it doesn’t already exist. We suspect that if you don’t have this in place currently, it’s not something you should be overly concerned about for the time being.

5 technologies that help prevent cyberattacks for SMBs 

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Now more than ever, threat actors are trying to attack company networks. In fact, there were 50% more attack attempts per week on corporate networks globally in 2021 than in 2020.

Small-and-medium-sized businesses need to be on the lookout particularly, as cybercriminals are more likely to target them for their perceived (and sometimes actual) lack of cyberdefenses.

This article focuses on helping to prevent cyberattacks purely through technology; though of course, businesses need a combination of technology, people, and strategy to truly become cyber resilient

That being said, security experts advise against relying solely on a single technology or technique to protect business endpoints. Effective prevention requires a layered approach capable of addressing not only today’s threats, but preventing tomorrow’s as well. 

In this post, we break down five must-have technologies that help prevent cyberattacks for SMBs.

Your level of prevention is determined by how much risk you accept to take on

There are two extremes to prevent cyberattacks: Overly permissive prevention and absolute prevention—and where you fall on that spectrum depends on the level of risk in your organization.

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Let’s start over at one end of the extreme. 

In the medical industry for example, doctors in large hospitals use a virtual machine. The machine they use operates in a virtual environment, and that virtual environment is destroyed and recreated when they log back in in another room. They can’t install anything or change anything. Data is kept separate. 

Moving towards the other end of the extreme, you might find startups or smaller companies with very lax prevention. Something like, “Here’s a laptop. We’ve provided you with the basic software, call us if you have a problem.”

What’s important to note here is that, because the risk level of every organization is different, there’s no “one-size-fits-all” approach to prevent cyberattacks. Your level of prevention will vary drastically depending on industry, company size, and so on.

Having said that, the average small-to-medium-sized business falls somewhere in the middle of these two extremes. At a medium level of risk, you want to find that perfect balance between too strict and too permissive. 
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Remember the maxim: The cyberattacks you cannot prevent, you need to mitigate. For mitigation, we assume your business uses (outsources) endpoint detection and response—but you still need the right technology to prevent cyberattacks in the first place. Especially ransomware

Read Our Defender’s Guide to Ransomware Resilience!

The question for any IT leader then is: What can I prevent, without slowing down my business?

5 technologies that help prevent cyber attacks for SMBs (ranked in order of importance)

(Note: these aren’t hard-and-fast rankings, just a good rule of thumb. They may look different for your individual business—for example, you might put 2FA first before anything else and that’s totally OK.)

1. Endpoint protection

Before anything else, endpoint protection should be the first thing you set out to pair with your EDR.

Through a combination of web protection, application hardening, and more, EP provides businesses with full attack chain protection against both known and unknown malware, ransomware, and zero-hour threats. Multi-stage attack protection provides the ability to stop an attacker at every step.

Read our “Endpoint Protection Buyers Guide” for details of the core requirements to help you navigate your enterprise endpoint protection solution analysis, which provides a solution questionnaire to help you with your evaluation process.

Read more: What is endpoint protection?

2. Vulnerability assessment AND patch management (tied) 

Hold on a sec, you’re telling me vulnerability assessment and patch management are preventative? Don’t both of these mitigate being compromised, since the vulnerability is already technically present?

Well, sure—but the only surefire way to prevent a vulnerability from being exploited is through patching it. Therefore, the process of finding vulnerabilities (and categorizing them by severity) so that you can then systematically patch them before they can be exploited, are two vital preventative measures.

And no, you don’t want to do either of these things manually if you can help it. A vulnerability assessment platform can automatically find and score vulnerabilities with the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS), while a patch management platform can help you patch those vulnerabilities automatically.

Read more: Vulnerability response for SMBs: The Malwarebytes approach

3. DNS filtering

The next technology you need to prevent cyberattacks is a DNS filter. But first, a little bit about what DNS (domain name system) is. 

Every time a customer types in your web address, their computer makes a request to a DNS server. The DNS server, in turn, tells the computer where to go. If all goes well, then voila, your customer is at your website. 

A DNS filter prevents you from accessing unsafe websites—including those posing a strong malware risk. But which web-based cyberthreats in particular does DNS filtering stop, you ask? There are three big ones:

  • Phishing: If you have a DNS filter, as soon as someone in your business clicks a link to a malicious website, they’re prevented from visiting it. 

  • DDoS attacks: Being able to continuously monitor DNS activity is a great way to catch the warning signs of a DNS DDoS attack—and with a DNS filter, you can do exactly that.

  • Machine-in-the-middle attacks: A good DNS filter uses DNS encryption, which secures the connection between your computer and the DNS resolver. That way, cybercriminals cannot sit between you and feed you spoofed DNS entries.

Read more: 3 ways DNS filtering can save SMBs from cyberattacks

4. Cloud scanning

No matter what cloud storage service you use, you likely store a lot of data: A mid-sized company can easily have over 40TB of data stored in the form of millions of files. 

Needless to say, it can be difficult to monitor and control all the activity in and out of cloud storage repositories, making it easy for malware to hide in the noise as it makes its way to the cloud. That’s where cloud storage scanning comes in.

Most cloud storage apps already have malware-scanning capabilities. However, businesses use multiple different cloud storage repositories, and due to lack of integration options, they are unable to get a centralized view of all of their scan results, across multiple repositories, in a single pane of glass.

To better prevent cyberattacks, look for a cloud scanning service that uses multiple anti-malware engines, using a combination of signatures, heuristics and machine learning to increase detection rates. Also, look for one that provides a comprehensive view to monitor the health of all your enterprise data.

Read more: Cloud-based malware is on the rise. How can you secure your business?

5. 2FA

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is a cost-effective option for SMBs. 2FA adds an extra layer of protection by asking users to provide two forms of identification to prove their validity.

According to Robert Zamani, Regional Vice President, Americas Solutions Engineering at Malwarebytes, 2FA is relatively quick and easy to implement.

“2FA is simple.” says Zamani. “You roll a device quickly, you enroll a device—that’s something they have, which is usually a smartphone—something they know, which is a password—and then you enforce password minimum.”

Read more: Understanding the basics of two-factor authentication

Bonus: Cyber insurance 

OK, it’s not a technology, but hear me out.

Let’s say your business has just suffered a data breach and it’s time to dig deep in your pockets to pay all the resulting expenses. Without cyber insurance, you can expect to pay a dizzying amount of cash.

In 2022 alone, the average cost of a data breach for businesses under 1,000 employees was close to $3 million—and these costs are coming from activities that cyber insurers typically cover, such as detecting and responding to the breach.

So when it comes to preventing having to pay huge out of pocket costs in the event that you’re hit with a cyberattack, cyber insurance is a must. The harsh truth is that if you don’t have cyber insurance and are hit with ransomware with no way to recover files, you will likely go out of business—especially if you’re a small-and-medium-sized business. 

Read more: 4 ways businesses can save money on cyber insurance 

A “Matryoshka approach” to cyber prevention

Let’s recap. 

Relying solely on a single technology or technique to protect your businesses’ endpoints is a fool’s errand. 

At the same time, we have to understand that each business has different needs when it comes to prevention: Your level of risk is the chief decider of what tech you ultimately employ to prevent cyberattacks. Depending on your industry and company size, you could justifiably use all of these technologies and more—or none of them.

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However, most SMBs will find themselves in the middle of the risk-prevention spectrum. To that end, the following are strongly recommended: Endpoint protection, VPM, DNS filtering, cloud storage scanning, and 2FA (and cyber insurance!). 

Of course, you can’t prevent 100% of threats. Therefore, you need an EDR solution to detect and respond to what does get through. That is to say, you should pair any preventative technology with an EDR solution, and a good EDR can seamlessly integrate with all of the preventative technologies listed here.

Want to see what effective prevention and response look like in action? See below for a live demonstration of Malwarebytes Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR):


Apple puts the password on life support with passkey

The “passwordless future” is something many internet users—and a great majority of the cybersecurity industry—have hoped for. Now Apple is about to make those hopes a reality.

With the release of iOS 16 yesterday, and macOS Ventura next month, Apple fans will be able to use passkeys, its password replacement, for iPhones, iPads, and Macs. The word “passkey” is not unique to Apple, however. Microsoft and Google are using the term, too.

Apple’s passkey works like a password in that it is built into entry boxes where you put your password. It also acts as a digital key that users create to access their apps or websites.

A video demonstrating passkey’s use in Apple’s WWDC 2022 event shows a prompt on the user’s device before sign-in or during account creation, asking if they would like to “save a passkey” for the account in use. Once users say yes, they are prompted to authenticate the passkey creation using Face ID, Touch ID, or another method. The created passkey is stored in the user’s iCloud Keychain and synced across all Apple devices and Safari web browsers.

Whenever a passkey is created, the device’s system creates a pair of digital keys: public and secret keys. According to Garrett Davidson, an Apple engineer, in the demo video, these keys are created “securely and uniquely” for every account. The public key is stored on Apple’s servers, while the secret key is kept on the device.

When signing in to an account protected by a passkey, the website or app looks for the secret key kept safe on the device to prove that the user is who the user claims they are. And because Apple’s passkey is based on passwordless standards defined by the FIDO Alliance, it’s likely the passkey can be stored anywhere, including some password managers with a provision for the passkey, such as Dashlane.

Those with other devices besides Apple can still take advantage of passkey. However, how things are done is slightly different because passkeys won’t be stored on non-Apple devices. For example, accessing a browser account on a Windows machine would require a user to use a QR code containing a URL to a single-use encryption key and their iPhone. Once scanned, the machine and the device can communicate using end-to-end encryption via Bluetooth and share information.

“That means a QR code sent in an email or generated on a fake website won’t work, because a remote attacker won’t be able to receive the Bluetooth advertisement and complete the local exchange,” Davidson said in the video.

“This has the potential to be far superior to weak passwords and chosen by people who don’t use a password manager or don’t know how to choose a password,” said Thomas Reed, Malwarebytes’ Director for Mac & Mobile. “So even if this isn’t 100% perfect, it’s still going to be better than what most people are doing today.”

BackupBuddy WordPress plugin vulnerable to exploitation, update now!

Users of WordPress may need to perform an urgent update related to the popular BackupBuddy plugin. BackupBuddy is a plugin which offers backup solutions designed to combat “hacks, malware, user error, deleted files, and running bad commands”. Unfortunately, running an older version of BackupBuddy could leave your site open to potential breaches. According to Security Week, the issue tagged as CVE-2022-31474 is down to an “insecure method of downloading the backups for local storing”. This results in people being able to grab files from the server without having been properly authenticated first.

Traversing a WordPress installation

The vulnerability is listed as a “Directory Traversal Vulnerability”, and affects users running BackupBuddy from version up to The developers make the following observations:

  • Using this vulnerability, attackers can view the contents of any file on your server which is readable by the WordPress installation. Sensitive files could be made available to the attackers, which is not something you’d want to happen.
  • The vulnerability is being actively exploited in the wild. Sometimes you get lucky and find that something has been patched before anyone can make use of it. This isn’t the case here, sadly.
  • The developers have made the security update available to anybody running BackupBuddy, regardless of version. No matter which licence you’re using, you can apply the fix. In theory, there is no need for anyone, anywhere to be running a vulnerable installation with the fix available to install.

Next steps to take for BackupBuddy users

  • Backup to version 8.7.5 right away. You should be doing this whether or not you’re concerned by the above security issue. Old versions of products frequently fall victim to additional security issues over time, especially if they’re no longer maintained.
  • Reset your database password if you suspect there’s been a compromise of your WordPress installation.
  • Change your WordPress salts. These are tools at your disposal used to help keep passwords for your site secure.
  • Reset and update anything else not for public consumption in your wp-config.php, for example stored API keys for other services.

The risks of not updating your site and plugins

WordPress is an immensely popular target for people fully invested in site compromise. Hijacked sites can be used for SEO poisoning, redirecting to malicious sites, spam, malware installation, phishing, and more.

If you’re running BackupBuddy, go and check your current version and update right away. Once that’s done, it would be wise to ensure everything else on your WordPress installation is fully up to date too. Let’s not make it easy for those up to no good: It won’t help your business, or the people who make use of your site.

Update now! Google patches vulnerabilities for Pixel mobile phones

Google’s Pixel Update Bulletin for September included two security patches that are Pixel specific.

Both underlying vulnerabilities are rated critical and could lead to privilege escalation and device takeover.

The vulnerabilities

Publicly disclosed computer security flaws are listed in the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) database. Its goal is to make it easier to share data across separate vulnerability capabilities (tools, databases, and services). These are the CVEs that are Pixel specific:

CVE-2022-20231: a critical Elevation of Privileges vulnerability in Trusty. This buffer overflow vulnerability allows a local application to escalate privileges on the system.

Trusty is a secure Operating System (OS) that provides a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) for Android. The Trusty OS runs on the same processor as the Android OS, but Trusty is isolated from the rest of the system by both hardware and software. Trusty and Android run parallel to each other. Trusty has access to the full power of a device’s main processor and memory but is completely isolated. Trusty’s isolation is designed to protect it from malicious apps installed by the user and potential vulnerabilities that may be discovered in Android.

CVE-2022-20364: a critical Elevation of Privileges vulnerability in Kernel. The Android kernel is based on an upstream Linux Long Term Supported (LTS) kernel. At Google, LTS kernels are combined with Android-specific patches to form what are known as Android Common Kernels (ACKs). This buffer overflow vulnerability exists due to a boundary error within the kernel component. A local application can trigger memory corruption and execute arbitrary code with elevated privileges.

Buffer overflow

A buffer overflow occurs when a program or process attempts to write more data to a fixed-length block of memory, or buffer, than the buffer is allocated to hold. Buffers contain a defined amount of data. Any extra data could overwrite assigned data values in memory addresses adjacent to the destination buffer.

Elevation of privileges

Privilege escalation is the act of exploiting a bug, design flaw, or configuration oversight in an operating system or software application to gain elevated access to resources that are normally protected from an application or user. The result is that an application with more privileges than intended by the application developer or system administrator can perform unauthorized actions.


All supported Google devices will receive an update to the 2022-09-05 patch level. The update also includes patches for the 46 bugs that Google addressed in Android this month. We encourage all Pixel users to accept these updates to their devices.

To learn how to check a device’s security patch level, read the instructions on the Google device update schedule.

Stay safe, everyone!

Important update! iPhones, Macs, and more vulnerable to zero-day bug

On Monday, Apple released a long list of patched vulnerabilities to its software, including a new zero-day flaw affecting Macs and iPhones. The company revealed it’s aware that threat actors may have been actively exploiting this vulnerability, which is tracked as CVE-2022-32917.

As it’s a zero-day, nothing much is said about CVE-2022-32917, only that it may allow malformed applications to execute potentially malicious code with kernel privileges. Apple says it’s patched this flaw with improved bounds checks. Below is a list of products this bug affects:

  • Macs running macOS Monterey 12.6 and macOS Big Sur 11.7
  • iPhone 6s and later, iPad Pro (all models), iPad Air 2 and later, iPad 5th generation and later, iPad mini 4 and later, and iPod touch (7th generation)

CVE-2022-32917 is the eighth zero-day flaw that Apple has addressed since the beginning of 2022. The first seven are as follows:

As this latest vulnerability is already being exploited, it’s really important that you update your devices as soon as you can. Stay safe!

Steam account credentials phished in browser-in-a-browser attack

Steam users are once again under threat from a particularly sneaky tactic used to steal account details. As with so many Steam attacks currently, it accommodates for the possibility of users relying on Steam Guard Mobile Authentication for additional protection. It also makes use of a recent “browser within a browser” technique to harvest Steam credentials.

The attack leans into a common threat tactic where Steam is concerned, which is E-sports and other tournament related events. This is a tactic that has been around for years, and it usually takes one of two forms.

  1. Steam users are asked via Steam Chat or forum posts to “vote” for someone’s favourite team on a competition website. These requests often come from compromised accounts themselves. The bogus site phishes the victim at what claims to be the voting stage. These sites may also ask users to turn off their Steam Guard protection before submitting their username and password.

  2. Scammers ask Steam users to join a team or league, and direct them to malware or phishing pages.

It’s the second of these possibilities that is used as this particular scam’s launch pad.

A browser in a browser

In this case, people are asked if they can play. If not, they’re asked if they can at least vote for the scammer’s non-existent team. In this case, it’s a Roblox team in the “Metanola Cup”.

The fake site emulates what appears to be a site dedicated to organising and promoting various E-sport competitions and teams. This is where the sneaky part comes into play. This particular scam makes use of a “browser in a browser” attack first mentioned on Bleeping Computer in March of this year. The fake browser window sitting inside the real thing can make it very difficult to realise you’re looking at a phishing attempt.

In this case, most potential victims would assume the popup inside the main browser window, which appears to display the genuine Steam URL and “Valve Corp. [US]” next to the green padlock, is the real thing. It even detects your language from the browser preferences and then selects one of 27 different types.

Finally, the site asks for the user’s Steam Guard authentication code. This is the 2FA code displayed on the Steam mobile app when logging into your account. Without the code, you can’t login. The scammers will harvest these codes and either have the details entered automatically, or do it manually. If they choose to do this manually and they’re not around when victims are handing over details, their window for success is going to be quite short.

Avoiding Steam-focused attacks

As mentioned in the Bleeping Computer article, this is not an easy tactic to spot in the wild. Blocking JavaScript is one way to do it, but you risk compromising the functionality of many websites if you go down this path. The best defence is to studiously ignore any and all messages sent your way from strangers in relation to the below, and this includes topics unrelated to E-sports:

  • Joining an E-sports league

  • Joining or helping out an E-sports team

  • Voting for a team or individual

  • The promise of cheap items or trades/discounts

  • Free games, bonus promotional offers and items

  • The “I accidentally reported you” scam

Stay safe out there!