Malvertising campaign on PornHub and other top adult brands exposes users to tech support scams

Threat actors involved in tech support scams have been running a browser locker campaign from November 2020 until February 2021 on the world’s largest adult platforms including PornHub.

The same group behind this campaign has been active for much longer and we believe is tied to previous schemes we’ve identified before, making it one of the most prolific tech support scam operations to date.

In late January, we heard several complaints of fake Microsoft alerts and started to investigate them. We discovered a number of decoy dating sites used by fraudulent advertisers on TrafficJunky, the advertising company for brands such as PornHub, RedTube and YouPorn owned by MindGeek.

The scammers created those fake identities to redirect traffic away from the adult platforms onto pages showing bogus alerts claiming users were infected with pornographic spyware. This well-known scheme attempts to scare victims into calling so-called technicians for assistance but in fact defrauds them for hundreds of dollars.

We reported our findings to MindGeek and continue to track and share new incidents as they arise. We believe this threat actor will keep on tricking new victims until fully exposed and individuals apprehended by law enforcement.

Redirection chain

We were able to capture the malvertising redirection chain several times and the flow is almost identical. We know from our telemetry that the malicious advertiser is targeting victims from the U.S. and the U.K.

  • User clicks to play a video
  • A new browser window opens
  • A request is sent to the TrafficJunky ad platform
  • An ad is served and makes a request to a decoy dating site
  • A redirect immediately loads the browser locker

This sequence of events can be summarized in the traffic capture below:


A key part of this malvertising chain is the use of many different fake dating portals that are hiding the redirection mechanism for the browser locker.


This browser locker campaign started well before showing up on PornHub[.]com and went undetected for a long time perhaps due to a clever typosquatting trick. In fact, we were fooled ourselves for a while before seeing what is obvious in hindsight.

On May 21 2020, the threat actor registered the domain name sassysenssations[.]com which contains a voluntary typo (two ‘s’) to mimic sassysensations[.]com which belongs to a legitimate business.

The real domain was registered in 2014 and we even found a billboard advertisement for it tweeted out on April 26 2019, long before the scammers had registered their copycat domain.


What was clever is that the threat actor didn’t seem to set up an actual site for that fake domain, but instead redirected all traffic to the real one if the visitor did not match the parameters from their malvertising campaign.

However, the malvertising chain shows that they leveraged that domain to perform conditional redirects, such as the one seen below:

(1) pornhub[.]com/_xa/ads?zone_id=[removed]
  (2) ads.trafficjunky[.]net/click?url=https%3A%2F%2Fsassysenssations[.]com%
    (3) sassysenssations[.]com/track.php?CampaignID=[removed]&Sitename=Pornhub
     (4) errorhelpline24x7msofficialsoftwareerrorcodex12[.]monster

Later on, it appears the threat actor started diversifying their scheme by creating a number of fake dating sites to use as redirects in addition to using the sassysenssations identity.

Fake dating sites

The malicious advertiser is using a model that has been tried before and consists of setting up fake identities in order to gain access to the ad platform. In this instance, we cataloged dating and romance sites. However, the majority of them did not look authentic or functional and even still had the ‘Lorem ipsum’ text filler.


If you were to visit one those sites directly, you may not see anything else of interest, at least nothing malicious in nature. However, the fraudulent advertiser can easily redirect traffic based on factors such as IP geolocation, referer and other artifacts.

In all, we detected close to 100 decoy domain names set up as “advertising landing pages” used to redirect victims to browser locker scams. Even though the templates are half finished, the threat actor is spending time creating a large inventory they can cycle through in their redirects towards browser lockers.

Browser locker

The browser locker is using a common theme of a fake Microsoft Windows Defender scanner. There is some browser profiling to serve the right template based on whether the user is on Windows or Mac.


While browsing one of the many decoy sites, we found the HTML source code in an exposed directory showing a few additional variations of the browser locker:


Fake advertising infrastructure

Because this is a long running campaign, the infrastructure is fairly large but tends to reuse the same naming convention for domains. The graph below only shows the domains created to abuse the TrafficJunky ad platform. It does not include domains used for the browlock itself.


There was a domain (recipesonline365[.]com) whose naming convention differed from the other dating sites. In fact it is the only one with a non-adult theme.

(1) youporn[.]com/_xa/ads?zone_id=[removed]
  (2) ads.trafficjunky[.]net/deep_click?adtype=pop&url=https%3A%2F%2Frecipesonline365[.]com
    (3) recipesonline365[.]com/?aclid=[removed]
      (4) oopi3.azurewebsites[.]net/Winhelpxcode161616winHelpSecurity0nlineCH007

Back in June 2019, we had identified an ad campaign targeting recipe keywords. The threat actor was using decoy recipe and food sites to lure victims via web searches. Those sites performed the same redirect mechanism as the decoy dating sites, and most of the time lead to a browlock hosted on Azure as well.

There are a number of other parallels between that campaign and the adult one such as the predominant use of NameCheap hosting and a large volume of decoy sites. For this reason we believe this is likely the same threat actor.


Browser lockers are not dangerous in and out of themselves. They are simply a fake warning which may be disrupting and annoying but one that does not indicate a computer problem.

In recent years they have become very common and affect all browsers, even mobile ones. In the past, we have seen browser lockers that were effectively giving the impression the machine was locked due to how they abused the user interface. As of know, most of them can be closed normally without requiring the use of special commands.

Malwarebytes users were already protected against this campaign. Our Browser Guard extension can detect and stop browser lockers using heuristic techniques that do not require to use a blacklist of known domain names or IP addresses.

Indicators of Compromise

The list of IOCs can be downloaded from our GitHub here.

The post Malvertising campaign on PornHub and other top adult brands exposes users to tech support scams appeared first on Malwarebytes Labs.

Researcher’s audacious hack demonstrates new type of supply-chain attack

Often the most brilliant ideas are the most simple. The hard part is being the first one to come up with the idea and put it to use.

One such brilliant yet simple idea belongs to Alex Birsan, a researcher who came up with a method to breach 35 big tech companies including Microsoft, Apple, Yelp, Paypal, Shopify, Netflix, Tesla, and Uber, that’s earned him $130,000 in bug bounties.

Dependency confusion

This method relies on so-called “dependency confusion.” Basically, it exploits the confusion about the possible locations that computer programs (in this case popular package managers like npm, PyPI and RubyGems) use to find the files a project depends on.

All of these package managers will accept dependencies listed as names and try to resolve what the developer meant. They will look for dependencies locally, on the computer where a project resides, and they will check the package manager’s public, Internet-accessible, directory.

Birsan found that the affected companies used locally stored files that were not present in the open-source directory.

The example below shows an abbreviated package.json file that lists the dependencies for a private project created by PayPal, that ended up on GitHub. Birsan noticed that while some dependencies, like express in this example, were present on the public npm repository, others, like pplogger, were instead PayPal’s privately created npm packages, used and stored internally by the company.

"dependencies": {
  "express": "^4.3.0",
  "pplogger": "^0.2",

Birsan wondered if malware could be introduced to these projects by creating packages on the public npm repository that matched the names of these local dependencies.

To test his idea he started looking for effective places to upload his own “malicious” Node packages to the npm registry under all the unclaimed names. Because npm allows arbitrary code to be executed automatically when a package is installed, his code was able to “phone home” from each computer it was installed on and tell him when his idea had worked.

Making the call home

Getting the information to his own server from deep inside well-protected corporate networks posed yet another problem which was solved by using DNS exfiltration. DNS data exfiltration is a way to exchange data between two computers without any direct connection, in a way that doesn’t draw much attention.

During the exfiltration phase, the client makes a DNS resolution request to an external DNS server address. Instead of responding with an A record, the attacker’s name server will respond with a CNAME, MX or TXT record, which allows a large amount of unstructured data to be sent between attacker and victim.

Version confusion

Besides expanding his original idea to both the Python and Ruby package managers, PyPI (Python Package Index) and RubyGems respectively, Birsan also tested what would happen if he uploaded a package with a higher and therefor “newer” version number than the actual last version. In these cases, the higher version on a public repository would get preference over an older local version. This increased his success rate even more.

The rewards

So far, Alex Birsan has been granted $130,000 from bug bounty programs. That may seem like a lot of money but imagine what he could have made by selling this trick to the highest bidder. We all have the devastating results of successful supply-chain attacks in our short-, and long-term memory.

According to Sonatype’s 2020 State of the Software Supply Chain Report, supply-chain attacks targeting open-source software projects are a major issue for enterprises, since 90% of all applications contain open-source code and 11% of those have known vulnerabilities.

And, like Alex Birsan, we would like to stress that all the companies he breached had given their permission to have their security tested by running bug bounty programs or by express permission. In other words, “don’t try this from your own basement or you might get dragged into court by your hoodie”.


Most of the breached companies have taken actions to prevent this type of attack, but the method is still usable. The underlying problem needs to be fixed for the entire ecosystem and not on a company by company basis, because we all know there will always be dawdlers that are too late. We note that package.json files allow dependencies to be listed as full URLs, which may provide some resilience to this form of attack.

The most gratifying part of this method is that it does not rely on social engineering. If you can find the filenames, you can execute the plan.

For those that would like to read some more details, the whole story in Alex’s own words can be found in his Medium article and the accompanying Twitter thread.

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What Google learned from 1 billion evil email scams

Google and researchers at Stanford University have released an in-depth study analysing 5 months of phishing / malware mails sent globally. “Who is targeted by email-based phishing and malware? Measuring factors that differentiate risk” looked at more than a billion mails. The results were then fed into a presentation at the Internet Measurement Conference.

After digging in to phishing and malware campaigns automatically blocked by Gmail, they’ve discovered quite a few things about current trends and happenings in the world of phishing.

Rogue email analysis: key findings

  • 42% of attacks target users in the US
  • 10% target users in the UK
  • 5% of attacks target users based in Japan

Attacks primarily focus on North America and Europe, with the US receiving the highest volume of phishing and malware mails. However, the highest risk countries are in Africa and Europe. According to the study, 16 countries exhibited a higher risk on average than the US.

English: the international language of scamming

Localization isn’t particularly popular, with most attacks deploying English email templates across multiple countries. That’s 83% of phishing mails / 97% of malware mails written in English. They do note that some localization takes place, however, with 78% of phishing mails in Japan written in Japanese.

Campaigns are “fast churn”. One particular template may be sent to 100 – 1,000 targets, with campaigns lasting one to three days on average. In one week, small campaigns can account for more than 100 million phishing / malware mails targeting Gmail users.

Ageing, data breaches, and fewer devices

The risk of being targeted increases a little as you move upward through each age group. If you’re in the 55-64 bracket, you’re potentially a more attractive proposition than someone sitting in the 18-24 or 35-44 age ranges. Whether this is due to older users being theoretically more susceptible to scams, or simply that their online footprint is easier to find, is not decided either way.

Previous data breaches bump up the risk. You have far higher odds of being attacked if your details have been exposed in a data breach. You can’t put that data genie back in the bottle and it makes sense that scammers would actively enumerate mails and dig into demographic information.

Sticking to your mobile phone gives you the lowest risk of attack, and the highest risk comes with using multiple devices. Use one single personal computer places you in the middle.

You can read the full study here.

Brush up on your phishing knowledge

We’ve a wealth of anti-phishing tips and advice here at Malwarebytes.

  • How to spot mobile phishing: You might be in a lower risk category than others according to the above study, but it’s not a no-risk category. A little caution is never a bad thing either way.
  • Spear phishing: As has been mentioned, some activities lend themselves to a higher chance of being targeted. Some of it, like old breaches, is beyond your control. Explore how spear phishers operate, and consider how you might reduce your risk.
  • Gaming the gamers: Take a look at a common gaming phishing style.
  • COVID scams: The pandemic is a huge draw for malware authors, phishers, and social engineers. Individuals and businesses in need of financial assistance are prime targets for those up to no good. Familiarise yourself with scam tactics and avoid phishy antics and malware-laden missives.
  • More general phishing scams: We have a rundown of the most common ways phishers try and breach your trust.

Don’t be complacent about phishing

With these tips and tricks, you’ll hopefully be more prepared when facing down the latest phishes in your mailbox. Whether they want your login, bank details, data, or hard drive access, the threat is very much real. It’s also so common that we’re perhaps numb to the danger of something we see on a daily basis. It might be a regular fixture in your mailbox, you may roll your eyes at the latest fake bank transfer, but rest assured: it works.

The post What Google learned from 1 billion evil email scams appeared first on Malwarebytes Labs.

Big Patch Tuesday: Microsoft and Adobe fix in-the-wild exploits

Traditionally the second Tuesday of the month is Microsoft’s “patch Tuesday”. This is the day when they roll out all the available patches for their software, and their operating systems in particular.

Since there were no less than 56 patches in this month’s issue we will focus on the most important ones. Not that 56 is an awful lot. There were more than 80 in January.

Microsoft CVEs by importance

Publicly disclosed computer security flaws are listed in the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) database. Its goal is to make it easier to share data across separate vulnerability capabilities (tools, databases, and services). The most notable CVE’s in this update were:

  • CVE-2021-1732 Windows Win32k elevation of privilege (EoP) vulnerability. This one we listed first as it’s actively exploited in the wild. With a EoP vulnerability attackers can raise their authorization permissions beyond those initially granted. For example, if an attacker gains access to a system but only has read-only permissions they can use an EoP vulnerability to raise them to “read and write”,  giving them an option to make unwanted changes.
  • CVE-2021-26701 a .NET Core Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability. A remote code execution (RCE) attack happens when a threat actor illegally accesses and manipulates a computer or server without authorization from its owner. This is the only critical bug Microsoft listed as publicly known.
  • CVE-2021-24074 an IPv4 security vulnerability concerning source routing behavior. Microsoft adds to say: IPv4 Source routing is considered insecure and is blocked by default in Windows; however, a system will process the request and return an ICMP message denying the request.
  •  CVE-2021-24094 an IPv6 security vulnerability concerning the reassembly limit and related to the previous one. The reassembly limit controls the IP fragmentation, which is an Internet Protocol (IP) process that breaks packets into smaller fragments, so that the resulting pieces can pass through a link with a smaller maximum transmission unit (MTU) than the original packet size. The fragments are reassembled by the receiving host. Apparently an attacker could construe packets leading to a situation where a large number of fragments could lead to code execution.
  • CVE-2021-1721 a .NET Core and Visual Studio Denial of Service vulnerability. A Denial of Service attack is focused on making a resource (site, application, server) unavailable for the purpose it was designed.
  • CVE-2021-1722 and CVE-2021-24077 are both Windows Fax Service RCE problems. It’s important to remember that even if you don’t use “Windows Fax and Scan”, the Windows Fax Services is enabled by default.
  • CVE-2021-1733 is for Sysinternals’ PsExec Elevation of Privilege vulnerability. While this one is listed as not likely to be exploited, the tool itself is worth keeping an eye on, because it’s so popular with cybercriminals. They like it because, as a legitimate administration tool, it isn’t normally detected as malicious software by default.

If you are all about prioritizing your updates, these are the ones that we recommend doing first. Everyone else is advised to install the updates at their earliest convenience.

Adobe Reader for a change

And while you are about to start your update cycles, you may want to have a look at this one from Adobe. Because this one is already actively being exploited as well. Where Adobe was notoriously famous for the bugs in their Flash Player, which has now reached end-of-life, occasionally a vulnerability in their Reader attracts some attention.

CVE-2021-21017 is a critical heap-based buffer overflow flaw. Heap is the name for a region of a process’ memory which is used to store dynamic variables. A buffer overflow is a type of software vulnerability that exists when an area of memory within a software application reaches its address boundary and writes into an adjacent memory region. In software exploit code, two common areas that are targeted for overflows are the stack and the heap.

So, by creating a specially crafted input, attackers could use this vulnerability to write code into a memory location where they normally wouldn’t have access. In their advisory Adobe states that it has received a report that CVE-2021-21017 has been exploited in the wild in limited attacks targeting Adobe Reader users on Windows.

Both Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader will automatically detect if a new version of the software is available. The program will check for a new version when you launch either Acrobat or Reader as an application and will prompt you to install a new version when it’s available. IT administrators can control the update settings by using the Adobe Customization Wizard.

Stay safe, everyone!

The post Big Patch Tuesday: Microsoft and Adobe fix in-the-wild exploits appeared first on Malwarebytes Labs.

Cyberpunk 2077 developer hit by ransomware

CD PROJEKT RED, the game developer behind Cyberpunk 2077, announced earlier on Twitter that it has fallen victim to a targeted ransomware attack.

The company says it has backups for the affected systems and does not intend to pay the ransom. In their ransom note the attackers boast that they have stolen the source code for some of the company’s games, including its beleaguered flagship, Cyberpunk 2077.

Further details of the attack are still unknown as of this writing, but we’ll update this post accordingly as developments emerge.

The official announcement from the company reads:

Yesterday we discovered that we have become a victim of a targeted cyber attack, due to which some of our internal systems have been compromised.

An unidentified actor gained unauthorized access to our internal network, collected certain data belonging to CD PROJEKT capital group, and left a ransom note the content of which we release to the public. Although some devices in our network have been encrypted, our backups remain intact. We have already secured our IT infrastructure and begun restoring the data.

We will not give in to the demands nor negotiate with the actor, being aware that this may eventually lead to the release of the compromised data. We are taking necessary steps to mitigate the consequences of such a release, in particular by approaching any parties that may be affected due to the breach.

We are still investigating the incident, however at this time we can confirm that—to our best knowledge—the compromised systems did not contain any personal data of our players or users of our services.

We have already approached the relevant authorities, including law enforcement and the President of the Personal Data Protection Office, as well as IT forensice specialists, and we will closely cooperate with them in order to investigate this incident.

The full text of the ransomware note left by the threat actors reads:

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hello CD PROJEKT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You have been EPICALLY pwned!!

We have dumped FULL copies of the source codes from your Perforce server for Cyberpunk 2077, Witcher 3, Gwent and the unreleased version of Witcher 3!!!

Also, we have encrypted all of your servers, but we understand that you can most likely recover from backups.

If we will not come to an agreement, then your source coded will be sold or leaked online and your documents will be sent to our contacts in gaming journalism. Your public image will go down the shitter even more and people will see how you shitty your company functions. Investors will lose trust in your company and the stock will dive even lower!

You have 48 hours to contact us.

Challenges associated with Cyberpunk 2077’s release did not hinder it from becoming one of the most well-known name in the video gaming industry to date. And this popularity alone is a reason for cyber criminals to start banking on the brand.

And they have.

More than a week after the game’s official release on the PlayStation 4, Stadia, Windows, and Xbox One, cybercriminals were caught mimicking a mobile version of Cyberpunk 2077—something that really doesn’t exist. According to Tatyana Shishkova, a researcher from Kaspersky, the purported mobile game is ransomware.

Just yesterday, CD PROJEKT RED released a Cyberpunk 2077 hotfix for a flaw that allows any third-party to modify data and save game files.

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Hackers try to poison Florida City’s drinking water

The FBI, the Secret Service, and the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office are currently investigating an attempted poisoning of a city by an individual or group of hackers that occurred Friday last week. If it hadn’t been caught in time, at least 15,000 people could have been affected.

In a Monday press conference, Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri revealed details of this attack to the press.

“On Friday morning, of about 8 o’clock, a plant operator at the Oldsmar water treatment facility noticed that someone remotely accessed the computer system that he was monitoring,” Sheriff Gualtieri said. This was, apparently, the first unauthorized attempt to remotely access the system. The connection was brief, so the operator didn’t think much of it as his supervisor and other colleagues would also randomly log in to the computer he’s monitoring.

It seems the attacker had gained access to TeamViewer, a remote desktop application used by the plant’s operators to access the water facility’s computer system.

“…about 1:30 (PM), when someone again remotely accessed the computer system and it showed up on the operator screen with the mouse being moved about to open various software functions that control the water being treated in the system. The person remotely accessed the system for about 3 to 5 minutes opening various functions on the screen. One of the functions opened by the person hacking into the system was one that controls the amount sodium hydroxide in the water.”

Sodium hydroxide, also known as caustic soda or lye, is used to treat acidity in water by raising its pH levels and removing heavy metals. Too much lye in water could cause skin burns and rashes—something residents in a small town in Massachusetts had experienced when they had a water supply treatment problem back in 2007.

Sheriff Gualtieri continues, “The hacker changed the sodium hydroxide from about 100 parts per million to 11,100 parts per million. This is obviously a significant and potentially dangerous increase.”

After the attacker left the system, the operator quickly reduced the lye concentration level back to 100 parts per million.

Thankfully, this short adjustment by the hacker didn’t deal any adverse effect on the the water being treated. No lye reached homes, thus no one was ever in danger. Moreover, the water treatment plant have redundancies in place, so if anyone missed this adjustment, the system would have caught the change in the pH levels in the water.

As of this writing, the Pinellas County Sheriff’s office don’t have a suspect but are following leads.

Attacks on vital infrastructure are among the “worst case scenario” cyberattacks that every professional in the industry fears. “Stuxnex”, a malware weapon designed to damage Iran’s nuclear centrifuges has become the poster child of such attacks.

However, there is no indication that this was a terrorist attack, or even that it was an attack targeted at the Oldsmar facility specifically. It may simply have been an act of vandalism. Internet-connected Industrial Control Systems (ICS) are not difficult to find.

Thankfully, this attack was not successful, but it is a timely reminder that the first priority for security often isn’t the zero-day busting, APT-stopping sort of work, but unglamorous grunt work like air-gapping, patching, enforcing strong passwords and 2FA, and taking inventory.

“The important thing is to put everyone on notice,” Oldsmar Mayor Eric Seidel said, “These kinds of bad actors are out there. It’s happening. So really take a hard look at what you have in place.”

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Android devices caught in Matryosh botnet

Researchers at Netlab have discovered a new botnet that re-uses the Mirai framework to pull vulnerable Android devices into DDoS attacks.

The new botnet, which is called Matryosh, is named after the Russian nesting dolls because the encryption algorithm it uses, and the process of obtaining command and control (C2) are nested in layers. The botnet supports DDoS attacks using tcpraw, icmpecho, and udpplain attacks.

How does Matryosh spread?

Like other botnets before it, Matryosh propagates via Android Debug Bridge (ADB), a diagnostic and debugging interface that uses port 5555. While ADB has a genuine use for developers, an internet-facing ADB also opens the way for remote attacks.

Unfortunately, some vendors are shipping Android devices with port 5555 open. This allows developers to communicate with devices remotely in order to control a device and execute commands, which is generally used for diagnostic and debugging purposes. But it also creates a backdoor for any other attackers that connect to this port.

Android Debug Bridge

ADB is a versatile command-line tool that lets you communicate with an Android device and facilitates a variety of device actions, such as installing and debugging apps. It also provides access to a shell that you can use to run a variety of commands on a device.

Although Android is commonly known as a popular operating system for phones, it is also used as an operating system for any number of internet-connected “Things”, such as exercise bikes and television sets.

To make the potential disaster complete, ADB does not require authentication, meaning anybody can connect to a device running ADB to execute commands. In short, with ADB enabled, anybody can remotely connect to the device as root.

How does Matryosh work?

Matryosh is special in that it uses the encrypted Tor network to mask its malicious traffic. When Matryosh runs on an infected device, it decrypts a remote hostname and uses DNS TXT requests to obtain the Tor C2 server and proxy details. After that, Matryosh uses those details to establish a connection with C2 server, via the Tor proxy, to get its commands.

To perform the DDoS attacks the botnet supports tcpraw, icmpecho, and udpplain attacks. This means it is able to launch DDoS attacks via protocols like TCP, ICMP, and UDP.

How to disable ADB

Although ADB is turned off by default on most Android smartphones and tablets, some vendors do ship their devices with ADB enabled.

  • Android users: It is hard to provide clear instructions that work for every device, but generally speaking you need to disable the “Developer options” of the device. In the Malwarebytes for Android client there is a Security audit feature that indicates if Developer mode is enabled, where ADB is located, but does not specifically point out that ADB is on or off. If Developer mode is enabled the audit will point that out and a user can access Developer mode by tapping on Development mode in the audit results, which will be displayed in yellow. When Developer mode is disabled, ADB should be disabled as well.
Development Mode
Malwarebytes for Android security audit
  • Enterprises should scan their internal and external networks for port 5555 to see if any devices are listening on that port, which could be an indication that devices are open to receive ADB commands. It also wouldn’t hurt to read our blogpost DDoS attacks are growing: What can businesses do?
  • Vendors need to stop shipping products with Android Debug Bridge enabled over a network, especially of those devices are designed to be connected to the internet.

Keep your devices out of the botnets!

The post Android devices caught in Matryosh botnet appeared first on Malwarebytes Labs.

A week in security (February 1 – February 7)

Last week on Malwarebytes Labs, we dug into a load of security events. We first peered into how Fonix ransomware was giving up the ghost, swearing off a life of crime and even apologizing for past actions. We looked at a credit card skimmer that found opportunity in the latest Magento 1 hacking spree, we warned about the risks of browser sync, and we pondered whether or not real identities make social media safer (spoiler alert: they do not).

Finally, in capping off a busy week, we uncovered a barcode scanner that infected 10 million users with one update, and we wrote about an Android emulator that was abused to introduce malware onto PCs.

Other cybersecurity news

Stay safe, everyone!

The post A week in security (February 1 – February 7) appeared first on Malwarebytes Labs.

How NOT to fail at PDF redaction

The heated spat between Europe and AstraZeneca over a contract has segued into an unexpected blunder that left many of us chuckling and surprised at the same time. Perhaps even feeling a bit awkward.

Recently, the European Commission published a PDF version of the contract it had with AstraZeneca, a multinational pharmaceutical company based in the UK, over the availability and delivery of a certain number COVID-19 vaccine doses for Europeans.

The EU prefinanced 400 million doses from the pharma and expected it to deliver all of them as per contract. However, AstraZeneca said that it would only be delivering 40 percent of those doses.

To put pressure on AstraZeneca to fulfill its agreement with the EU, the bloc decided to make the contract public.

Although the document that was published on their website was supposed to be heavily redacted, whoever is responsible for making the document look “clean” forgot to redact the contents of the PDF’s bookmarks, which revealed significant portions of the redacted text.

There is a first time for everything.
This is not it.

We will have you know that there had been similar incidents in the past where improper obscuring of sensitive information about something has made history.

In 2011, the UK government accidentally breached itself by publishing a document containing certain secrets of Britain’s nuclear submarines. The PDF redaction was done by putting a black background behind the document’s black text. A simple copy and paste of its contents into a text editor, such as Windows Notepad, revealed the redacted PDF contents. Thankfully, these “secrets” weren’t as exciting as one would have expected.

This similar copy-and-pasting strategy worked with other purportedly redacted documents, such as that time when a judge’s analyses of the Apple versus Samsung ruling was revealed in an initially released PDF document.

If you can’t remember that, maybe you remember the time a reporter from The Guardian was able to reveal the full contents of the document in the case against Paul Manafort, Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman, containing details of his relationship with a former associate who had Russian ties.

Redacting PDFs 101

These are only a handful of stories from dozens more that have been reported and eventually buried (unless you start digging). Thankfully, embarrassing blunders like these can be avoided.

Here’s a caveat, however. You may find that digitally redacting documents may not be as straightforward as picking up a black permanent market and gliding the tip over the words you want to conceal (and if you think it is, you’re probably doing it wrong). Although technology is there to help make things quick for us, there are certain things that may need a bit of fiddling to ensure they’re done right and proper.

Adobe has a page dedicated to removing sensitive information from PDF documents that you can read in glorious detail here. But long story short, no matter how good your redactions look, they aren’t safe until you flip the Sanitize And Remove Hidden Information toggle when you save it.

Hope this helps!

The post How NOT to fail at PDF redaction appeared first on Malwarebytes Labs.

Android emulator abused to introduce malware onto PCs

Emulators have played a part in many tech-savvy users’ lives. They introduce a level of flexibility that not only allows another system to run on top of a user’s operating system—a Windows OS running on a MacBook laptop, for example—but also allows video gamers to play games designed to work on a different platform than the one they own.

Recently, ESET revealed a campaign that targeted users of NoxPlayer, a popular Android emulator for PCs and Macs. Affected users didn’t have to visit a potentially dubious website to get malware. All they did was download the update for NoxPlayer.

What we see here is the latest example of a supply-chain attack, wherein threat actors were able to manipulate a legitimate executable file to make it behave in a way it’s not supposed to. In this case, attackers manipulated two files: Nox.exe, the main NoxPlayer file, and NoxPack.exe, the downloader of the update itself. The latter is its infection vector.

How users can get infected

Everything starts and happens at the backend where users cannot see what is really going on.

In the post, ESET explains that upon opening NoxPlayer—and before a message pops up telling users that a software update is available for download—the program queries the update server via the BigNox HTTP API to check for updates and if so, retrieves update-related information. This includes the URL where the update file is housed.

The researchers believe that certain sections of the BigNox infrastructure were compromised. It’s thought that either the attackers replaced the legitimate update file with malware, or changed the file name or download URL to point to a destination they controlled. These new download URLs mimicked the legitimate download location of the NoxPlayer update.

Malware was then executed on affected systems. Reconnaissance is pinned as the main purpose of this yet unknown malware. The researchers also observed that throughout the end of 2020 and the start of 2021, certain victims were infected with other malware.

Signs of the times

The video gaming industry isn’t exempted from any cyberattack and online risks. For years, companies within the industry have been targeted by phishing, scammers, and sometimes, malware.

Early this year, employees (and sometimes clients) of big-name gaming companies like Ubisoft had their credentials leaked on the dark web. In mid-2020, PipeMon, the product of an attacker group called Winnti, who is also known to use supply-chain attacks, infected several massive multiplayer online (MMO) game developers to use game builds and game servers for their malicious purpose.

Because the current pandemic has fueled the popularity of vide gaming, including how much people spend within these games, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that cybercriminals are homing in on them now more than ever. This particular attack on a gaming emulator company may seem unusual, but it aligns with the current trend.

While video gamers are enjoying their games, they should realize that they have caught the attention of cybercriminals. Similarly, video game companies should understand they are targets too. To keep the cybercriminals at bay, both will need to do their part.

The post Android emulator abused to introduce malware onto PCs appeared first on Malwarebytes Labs.