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Washington Privacy Act welcomed by corporate and nonprofit actors

The steady parade of US data privacy legislation continued last month in Washington with the introduction of an improved bill that would grant state residents the rights to access, control, delete, and port their data, as well as opting out of data sales.

The bill, called the Washington Privacy Act, also improves upon its earlier 2019 version, providing stronger safeguards on the use of facial recognition technology. According to some analysts, when compared to its coastal neighbor’s data privacy law—the California Consumer Privacy Act, which went into effect this year—the Washington Privacy Act excels.

Future of Privacy Forum CEO Jules Polonetsky called the bill
“the most comprehensive state privacy legislation proposed to date.”

“It includes provisions on data minimization, purpose limitations, privacy risk assessments, anti-discrimination requirements, and limits on automated profiling that other state laws do not,” Polonetsky said.

Introduced on
January 20 by state Senator Reuven Carlyle, the Washington Privacy Act would create
new responsibilities for companies that handle consumer data, including the implementation
of data protection processes and the development and posting of privacy policies.

Already, the bill has gained warm reception from corporate and nonprofit actors. Washington-based tech giant Microsoft said it was encouraged, and Consumer Reports welcomed the thrust of the bill, while urging for even more improvements.

“This new draft is definitely a step in the right direction
toward protecting Washington residents’ personal data,” said Consumer Reports
Director of Consumer Privacy and Technology Policy Justin Brookman. “We do hope
to see further improvements to get rid of inadvertent loopholes that remain in
the text.”

What the Washington Privacy Act would do

Like the many US data privacy bills introduced in the past
18 months, the Washington Privacy Act approaches the problem of lacking data
privacy with two prongs—better rights for consumers, tighter restrictions for

On the consumer side, the Washington Privacy Act would grant several new rights to Washington residents, including the rights to access, correct, delete, and port their data. Further, consumers would receive the right to “opt out” of having their personal data used in multiple, potentially invasive ways. Consumers could say no to having their data sold and to having their data used for “targeted advertising”—the somewhat inescapable practice that results in advertisements for a pair of shoes, a fetching sweater, or an 4K TV following users around from device to device. 

Consumers could exercise their rights with simple requests to the companies that handle their data. According to the bill, these requests would require a response within 45 days. If a company cannot meet that deadline, it can file for an extension, but it is required to notify the consumer about the extension and about why it could not meet the deadline.

Further, unfulfilled requests are not a dead end for
consumers—companies must also offer an appeals process to the consumers whose
requests they deny or do not fulfil. Requests must also be responded to free of
charge, up to two times a year per consumer.

Perhaps one of the most welcome provisions in the bill is its anti-discrimination rules. Companies cannot, the bill says, treat consumers differently because of their choices to exert their data privacy rights. On the surface, that makes dangerous ideas like “pay-for-privacy” schemes much harder to enact.

Concerning new business regulations, the Washington Privacy Act separates the types of companies it applies to into two categories: “controllers” and “processors.” The two terms, borrowed from the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), have simple meanings. “Controllers” are the types of entities that actually make the decisions about how consumer data is collected, shared, or used. So, a small business with just one employee who decides to sell data to third parties? That’s a controller. A big company that decides to collect data to send targeted ads? That’s a controller, too.

Processors, on the other hand, are akin to contractors and
subcontractors that perform services for controllers. So, a payment processor
that simply processes e-commerce transactions and nothing more? That’s a processor.

The Washington Privacy Act’s new rules focus predominantly
on “controllers”—the Facebooks, Amazons, Twitters, Googles, Airbnbs, and
Oracles of the world.

Controllers would have to post privacy policies that are “reasonably
accessible, clear, and meaningful,” and would include the following

  • The categories of personal data processed by the controller
  • The purposes for which the categories of personal data are processed
  • How and where consumers may exercise their rights
  • The categories of third parties, if any, with whom the controller shares personal data

If controllers sell personal data to third parties, or
process it for targeted advertising, the bill requires those controllers to
clearly disclose that activity, along with instructions about how consumers can
opt out of those activities.

Separately, controllers would need to perform “data
protection assessments,” in which the company looks at, documents, and
considers the risks of any personal data processing that involves targeted
advertising, sale, and “profiling.”

The regulation of “profiling” is new to data privacy bills.
It’s admirable.

According to the bill, “profiling” is any form of automated
processing of personal data to “evaluate, analyze, or predict personal aspects
concerning an identified or identifiable person’s economic situation, health,
personal preference, interests, reliability, behavior, location, or movements.”

In today’s increasingly invasive online advertising economy,
profiling is omnipresent. Companies collect data and create “profiles” of
consumers that, yes, may not include an exact name, but still include what are
considered vital predictors about that consumer’s lifestyle and behavior. 

These new regulations make the Washington Privacy Act stand
out amongst its contemporaries, said Stacey Gray, senior counsel with Future of
Privacy Forum.

“The big picture of the bill is that includes the same
individual rights as the California Consumer Privacy Act—of access, sale, et
cetera—and then more,” Gray said. “The right to correct your data, to opt out
of targeted advertising, and out of profiling—that is further on the individual
rights side.”

Gray added that the bill’s business obligations also go further than those in the CCPA, naming the data risk assessments previously discussed.

The Washington Privacy Act includes several more business
obligations, all of which add up to meaningful data protections for consumers.
For instance, companies would need to commit to data minimization principles,
only collecting consumers’ personal data that is necessary for expressed
purposes. Companies would also need to obtain affirmative, opt-in consent from
consumers before processing any “sensitive data,” which is any data that could
reveal race, ethnicity, religion, mental or physical health conditions or
diagnoses, sexual orientations, or citizenship and immigration statuses.

But perhaps most intriguing in the Washington Privacy Act is
its regulation of facial recognition technology.

Facial recognition provisions

In 2019, Washington state lawmakers crafted a bill aimed at improving the data privacy protections of consumers. They called it… the Washington Privacy Act. That original bill, which has now been substituted the 2020 version, included provisions on the commercial use of facial recognition.

On its face, the new rules looked good: Companies that used
facial recognition tech for commercial purposes would have to obtain consent
from consumers “prior to
deploying facial recognition services.”

the original bill’s very next sentence made that consent almost meaningless.

According to that
bill, consumer “consent” could be obtained not by actually asking the consumer
about whether they agreed to having their facial data recorded, but instead, by
posting a sign on a company’s premises.

As the bill

“The placement of
conspicuous notice in physical premises or online that clearly conveys that
facial recognition services are being used constitute a consumer’s consent to
the use of such facial recognition services when that consumer enters those
premises or proceeds to use the online services that have such notice, provided
that there is a means by which the consumer may exercise choice as to facial
recognition services.”

The length of the
explainer is as broad as the exception it allows.

This loophole upset
several privacy rights advocates who, in February 2019, sent a letter to key
Washington lawmakers.

“[W]hile the bill purportedly requires consumer consent to the use of facial recognition technology, it actually allows companies to substitute notification for seeking consent—leaving consumers without a real opportunity to exercise choice or control,” the letter said. It was signed by Consumer Reports, Common Sense, Electronic Frontier Foundation, and Privacy Rights Clearinghouse.

The 2020 bill closes this loophole, instead requiring
affirmative, opt-in consent for commercial facial recognition use, along with
mandatory notifications—such as signs—in spaces that use facial recognition
technology. The new bill also requires processors to open up their
data-processing tools to outside investigation and testing, in an effort to
root out what the bill calls “unfair performance differences across distinct
subpopulations,” such as minorities, disabled individuals, and the elderly.

Moving the
Washington Privacy Act forward

Despite the 2019
Washington Privacy Act gaining swift approval in the Senate two months after
its January introduction, the bill ultimately failed to reach the House.
Multiple factors led to the bill’s failure, including the bill’s definitions
for certain terms, its approach to enforcement, and its treatment of facial

Some of those
same obstacles could come up for the 2020 bill, Gray said.

“If this bill does not pass this year, that’s where we might see a source of conflict—is either with the facial recognition provisions, or with enforcement,” Gray said. For enforcement to take hold, Gray said the Attorney General’s office—tasked with regulation—will need increased funding and staffing. Further, there will likely be opposition to the bill’s lack of “private right of action,” which means that consumers will not be able to individually file lawsuits against companies that they allege violated the law. This issue has been a sticking point for data privacy legislation for years.

Still, Gray said, the bill shows improvement from its 2019 version, which could help push it forward.

“All things
aside,” Gray said, “we’re more optimistic than last year about it passing.”

The post Washington Privacy Act welcomed by corporate and nonprofit actors appeared first on Malwarebytes Labs.

A week in security (January 27 – February 2)

Last week on Malwarebytes Labs, we looked at the strengths and weaknesses of the Zero Trust model, gave you the low-down on spear phishing, and took a delve into the world of securing the managed service provider (MSP).

Other cybersecurity news

Stay safe, everyone!

The post A week in security (January 27 – February 2) appeared first on Malwarebytes Labs.

Securing the MSP: their own worst enemy

We’ve previously discussed threats to managed service providers (MSPs), covering their status as a valuable secondary target to both an assortment of APT groups as well as financially motivated threat groups. The problem with covering new and novel attack vectors, however, is that behind each new vector is typically a system left unpatched, asset management undone, a security officer not hired (typically justified with factually dubious claims of a “skills shortage”) or a board who sees investment in infrastructure—and yes, security is infrastructure—as a cost center rather than a long-term investment in sustainable profits.

In short, malware can be significantly less dangerous to a business than that business’ own operational workflow.

Points of entry

Data on breach root causes is hard to come by, typically because security vendors tend to benefit by not providing industry vertical specific risk analysis. But the data that is available occasionally hints at corporate data breaches starting with some common unforced errors.

The 2019 Verizon DBIR claims that only 28 percent of observed data breaches involve the use of malware for the initial intrusion. While malware plays a significant role in the subsequent exploitation, the numbers suggest the majority of public breaches are not driven by zero-day exploits or outlandishly complex intrusion paths. So if you’re trying to secure an MSP, what are the most common entry points for attackers?

Under the broad heading of “hacking,” the most prominent observed tactics for point-of-entry include phishing, use of stolen credentials, and other social engineering techniques. Subsequent actions to further access include common use of backdoors or compromised web applications. Let’s break these down a little further.

Phishing is a reliable way of gaining a foothold to compromise a system. How would an employee clicking on a phish constitute an unforced error? Frequently, enterprises of all sorts incentivize their workers to click on absolutely everything, while simultaneously limiting their actual reading of messages. The consequences for poorly-designed corporate communications can be huge, as was seen when an MSP lost control of admin credentials via phishing attack that was subsequently used to launch ransomware.

Stolen credentials are a tremendously common attack vector that has been seen in several high profile MSP data breaches. “Stolen” is a bit of a misnomer though, and they would be better considered as “mishandled.”

Setting aside credentials gained via social engineering or phishing, companies can frequently lose track of credentials by keeping old or unnecessary accounts active, failing to monitor public exposure of accounts, failing to force resets after secondary breaches that may impact employees, failing to enforce modern password policies—basically failing to pay attention.

Should any single account with exposed credentials be over-privileged, a significant breach is almost guaranteed. And the consequences for MSPs with sloppy credential handling can be quite severe (1, 2).

Last in the lineup for unnecessary security failures is patch management. Like any other company trying to manage fixed infrastructure costs, MSPs rely heavily on third-party software and services. So when a business-critical support app is discovered to have multiple severe vulnerabilities, it introduces a wide-open channel for further exploitation. On occasion, the vulnerabilities used are brand new. Typically, they are not, and companies that fail to patch or mitigate vulnerable software get predictably exploited.

Mishandled mitigation

These attack entry points have a couple factors in common. First, they are not tremendously technically sophisticated. Even with regards to limited APT examples, the actors relied on compromised credentials and phishing first before deploying the big guns for lateral propagation. Second, mitigating these common entry points are actions that impacted MSPs should have been doing anyway.

Credential management that includes limited external monitoring, timely access control, and periodic privilege review doesn’t simply protect against catastrophic breaches—it protects against a host of attacks at all points of the technical sophistication spectrum.

Anti-phishing system design cues not only defend against employees leaking critical data, they also make for more efficient corporate communications, keep employees safe, and ideally reduce their overall email load.

Appropriate logging with timely human review cuts down time to breach discovery, but also assists in detailed risk analysis that can make for lean and effective security budgets into the future. The relationship between all of these security behaviors and observed MSP data breaches suggests that more attention to industry best practices could have gone a long way toward eliminating or sharply diminishing breach risk.

Finally, a patch management schedule that tracks third party software and services, fixing vulnerabilities in a timely manner is a great way to close some of the largest entry points into an MSP. Subordinating patches to non critical business needs, not having a test network to deploy patches, or simply not patching at all is a large signpost to attackers signifying an easy target.

MSP security: not a luxury

An MSP might be tempted to consider security as an expensive indulgence—something to be considered as a nice-to-have after uptime and availability of resources. Done well, it is neither expensive, nor a luxury.

Adherence to security norms that have been well defined for years can go a long way toward preventing big breaches, and can do so without expensive vendor contracts, pricy consultants, or best-in-class equipment. A managed service provider who chooses to ignore or delay those norms does so at its peril.

The post Securing the MSP: their own worst enemy appeared first on Malwarebytes Labs.

Spear phishing 101: what you need to know

Phishing, a cyberattack method as old as viruses and Nigerian Princes, continues to be one of the most popular means of initiating a breach against individuals and organizations, even in 2020. The tactic is so effective, it has spawned a multitude of sub-methods, including smishing (phishing via SMS), pharming, and the technique du jour for this blog: spear phishing.

But first, a quick parable.

A friend of mine received a blitz of emails over the course of a few days, all geared toward their Netflix account.


Click to enlarge

The clues indicating something wasn’t quite right were numerous:

  • There were half a dozen emails instead of just one.
  • All of them required payment information, but each mail gave a different reason as to why.
  • There were spelling mistakes galore.
  • The emails were not personalised in any way.

Even without spotting the utterly bogus, non HTTPS URL linked from the email body, this friend would never have fallen for it. Granted, they have a decent knowledge of security basics. However, consider if the attacker had done this:

  • Grabbed some personal details from a data dump
  • Hunted online for accounts belonging to this person, perhaps on social media
  • Checked to see if they had an account with Netflix
  • Crafted an imitation Netflix email address
  • Addressed the potential victim directly by name
  • Included some or all of their home address
  • Made use of spell check
  • Set up a free HTTPS website
  • Used the most current version of Netflix’s logo

See the difference? While the first set of emails wouldn’t pass muster with a marginally knowledgeable user, the second would be much more difficult to screen as fake.

And that is what’s known in the business as spear phishing.

What is spear phishing?

Spear phishing’s sole purpose is to get inside the recipient’s head and make them think the messages they’re responding to are 100 percent legitimate—achieved due to personal touches designed to make them think what they’re dealing with is the real deal.

While you could argue alarm bells should ring when being asked for credit card details, in all honesty, once the scammer has thrown a few personal details into the mix like name and address, it may well be too late.

Imagine if the scammer monitored social media feeds to see which shows their target liked, then said something like, “Please ensure your details are correct to continue enjoying The Witcher.” Now add a picture of Henry Cavill looking cool.

Game. Over.

As you might expect, this kind of attack is rather difficult to combat. It doesn’t help when utterly random nonsense such as the poorly-made Netflix phishing attempt regularly inflict huge losses on organisations across the globe, despite being pretty terrible.

How many times have we seen healthcare facilities and even local municipal governments fall foul to ransomware via pretend spreadsheet attachments in fake HR tax emails? Make no mistake, this is a very real and immediate problem for those caught out.

With generic phishing already causing huge headaches for businesses and consumers alike, cybercriminals using data dumps expertly combined with professional social engineering techniques have an ever higher likelihood of success. And that’s before you consider other forms of spear phishing, such as conversation hijacking (more on this later), or attacks that use the spear phish as a launching pad for infecting networks with malware and other digital nasties.

Shall we take a look at some numbers?

Watch those verticals

A few years ago, the average cost of spear phish prevention over 12 months was $319,327 versus the significantly higher cost of any successful attack, which weighed in at $1.6 million. In 2019, the stats leaning heavily towards spear phishing speak for themselves, and huge payouts for scammers are the order of the day.

Payouts of $40 million, $50 million, and even $70 million and beyond are common, and that’s before you get to the cost of the cleanup and class action lawsuits. Throw in a little reputation damage and a PR firestorm, and you have all the ingredients for a successful breach. For the victims, not so much.

With spear phishing, the slightest piece of information can bring about an organisation’s downfall as it slices through all its otherwise fully functional security defences.

Evolution of the spear phish

Spear phishing isn’t only left to the realm of emails. Highly-targeted attacks also branch out into other areas, especially ones full of self volunteered information. Hijacking customer support conversations on Twitter is a great example of this: scammers set up imitation support accounts then barge into the conversation, leading the victim to phishing central. It’s a slick move.

It’s debatable how much of these scams are targeted, considering they’re making their attack up on the fly, instead of wading in with pre-gained knowledge. The difference here is the recon is aimed at the person the potential victim is being helped by, as opposed the victim themselves. Making note of when the customer support account is active, looking at initial Tweets so they can pretend to be the same person who helped before, and adopting some of their speech mannerisms/corporate speak all help to create a convincing illusion.

At that point, all we’re really dealing with is a perfectly-crafted imitation email but in human form, and with the ability to interact with the victim. Has spear phishing ever seen such a potent way to go on the offensive? When people are happy to weaponise customer support to use them against you, it’s really something to sit down and consider.

Fighting the rising tide of spear phishing

Anybody can be a target, but executives, especially at the CEO level, is where it’s at in terms of big scores for criminals (a form of targeting sometimes called whaling). By necessity, most organisations’ executives are set up to be publicly visible, and scammers take advantage of this. As has been mentioned, this is one of the toughest forms of attack to defend against.

If the social engineering component is designed to open the network to malware abuse, then we also need to consider the overall security infrastructure. Security software, updates, firewalls, and more all become important tools in the war against spear phishing—especially given what can come after the initial foot in the door attack.

Tools such as spam filtering and detection are great for random, casual attacks, but given the direct nature of spear phishing, it may well be a bridge too far for automation to flag as suspicious. Dedicated, ongoing training is important at all levels of the business, alongside not getting into the habit of blaming employees and third parties when things go wrong (and they will, eventually). You don’t want people less likely to report incidents out of fear of getting into trouble—it’s not productive and won’t help anybody.

Tools to aid in reporting spear phishing attacks, either dedicated apps or something web-based inside the network, are always useful. It’s also good to ensure departments have at least some idea how important business processes work in other departments. Securing the organization is a little easier when unrelated department A is an additional layer of defence for unrelated department B. Pay attention to HR, accounting, and top line exec interaction.

If your organisation hasn’t considered what to lock down yet, there’s never been a better time. Europol’s EC3 report on spear phishing was released late last year and contains a wealth of information on the subject for those wanting to dive deeper.

Ponder all forms of phishing, see which one(s) may be the biggest danger to your organisation and your employees, and start figuring out how best to approach the issue. You won’t regret it—but the scammers certainly will.

The post Spear phishing 101: what you need to know appeared first on Malwarebytes Labs.

Explained: the strengths and weaknesses of the Zero Trust model

In a US court of law, the accused are deemed to be innocent until proven guilty. In a Zero Trust security model, the opposite is true. Everything and everyone must be considered suspect—questioned, investigated, and cross-checked—until we can be absolutely sure it is safe to be allowed.

Zero Trust is a concept created by John Kindervag in 2010 during his time as Vice President and Principal Analyst for Forrester Research. When looking at failures inside organizations to stop cyberattacks, especially lateral movements of threats inside their networks, Kindervag realized that the traditional security model operated on the outdated assumption that everything inside an organization’s network could be trusted. Instead, Zero Trust inverts that model, directing IT teams according to the guiding principle of “never trust, always verify” and redefining the perimeter to include users and data inside the network.

Over the last 10 years, more and more businesses have moved toward the Zero Trust model, demolishing the old castle-and-moat mentality and accepting the reality of insider threats. We take an inside look at Zero Trust, including its strengths and weaknesses, to help organizations evaluate whether they should embrace the philosophy within their own walls or consider different methods.

Definition of Zero Trust

Zero Trust is an information security framework that states organizations should not trust any entity inside or outside of their network perimeter at any time. It provides the visibility and IT controls needed to secure, manage, and monitor every device, user, app, and network belonging to or being used by the organization and its employees and contractors to access business data.

The goal of a Zero Trust configuration should be clear: restrict access to sensitive data, applications, and devices on a need-to-know basis. Employees in finance need accounting software—all others should be barred. Remote workers should use VPNs—access from the open Internet should be prohibited. Data sharing should be limited and controlled. The free flow of information that was once one of the cornerstones of the Internet needs to be confined in order to protect networks from penetration, customers from privacy violations, and organizations from attacks on infrastructure and operations.

The strategy around Zero Trust boils down to scrutinizing any incoming or outgoing traffic. But the difference between this and other security models is that even internal traffic, meaning traffic that doesn’t cross the perimeter of the organization, must be treated as a potential danger as well.

While this might seem severe, consider the changes in the threat landscape over the last 10 years: the hundreds of public data leaks and breaches; ransomware attacks that halted operations on thousands of endpoints in cities, schools, and healthcare organizations; or millions of users’ personally identifiable information stolen from business databases. As cybercriminals continue to turn their focus to business targets in 2020, Zero Trust seems like a smart approach to thwart increasing numbers of attacks.

Implementing Zero Trust

Implementing a Zero Trust security model in an organization is not simply a change in mindset. It will require a clear view of functions within the company’s departments, currently-deployed software, access levels, and devices, and what each of those requirements will look like in the future.

Often, building a Zero Trust network from the ground up is easier than reorganizing an existing network into Zero Trust because the existing network will need to remain functional throughout the transition period. In both scenarios, IT and security teams should come up with an agreed-upon strategy that includes the ideal final infrastructure and a step-by-step strategy on how to get there.

For example, when setting up resource and data centers, organizations may have to start almost from scratch, especially if legacy systems are incompatible with the Zero Trust framework—and they often are. But even if companies don’t have to start from scratch, they may still need to reorganize specific functions within their security policy, such as how they deploy software or onboard employees, or which storage methods they use.

Strengths of Zero Trust

Building Zero Trust into the foundation of an organization’s infrastructure can strengthen many of the pillars upon which IT and security are built. Whether it’s in bolstering identification and access policies or segmenting data, by adding some simple barriers to entry and allowing access on an as-needed basis, Zero Trust can help organizations strengthen their security posture and limit their attack surface.

Here are four pillars of Zero Trust that we believe organizations should embrace:

  • Strong user identification and access policies
  • Segmentation of data and resources
  • Strong data security in storage and transfer
  • Security orchestration
User identification and access

Using a secure combination of factors in multi-factor authentication (MFA) should provide teams with sufficient insight into who is making a request, and a well thought-out policy structure should confirm which resources they can access based on that identification.

Many organizations gate access to data and applications by opting for identity-as-a-service (IDaaS) cloud platforms using single sign-on services. In a Zero Trust model, that access is further protected by verifying who is requesting access, the context of the request, and the risk of the access environment before granting entry. In some cases, that means limiting functionality of resources. In others, it might be adding another layer of authentication or session timeouts.


Robust access policies will not make sense without proper segmentation of data and resources, though. Creating one big pool of data where everyone that passes the entrance test can jump in and grab whatever they want does not protect sensitive data from being shared, nor does it stop insiders from misusing security tools or other resources.

By splitting segments of an organization’s network into compartments, Zero Trust protects critical intellectual property from unauthorized users, reduces the attack surface by keeping vulnerable systems well guarded, and prevents lateral movement of threats through the network. Segmentation can also help limit the consequences of insider threats, including those that might result in physical danger to employees.

Data security

Even with restricting access to data and reducing the attack surface through segmentation, organizations are open to breaches, data leaks, and interception of data if they do not secure their data in storage and in transit. End-to-end encryption, hashed data, automated backups, and securing leaky buckets are ways organizations can adopt Zero Trust into their data security plan.

Security orchestration

Finally, drawing a thread through all of these pillars is the importance of security orchestration. Even without a security management system, organizations using Zero Trust would need to ensure that security solutions work well together and cover all the possible attack vectors. Overlap is not a problem by itself, but it can be tricky to find the right settings to maximize efficiency and minimize conflicts.

Challenges of the Zero Trust strategy

Zero Trust is billed as a comprehensive approach to securing access across networks, applications, and environments from users, end-user devices, APIs, IoT, micro-services, containers, and more. While aiming to protect the workforce, workloads, and workplace, Zero Trust does encounter some challenges. These include:

  • More and different kinds of users (in office and remote)
  • More and different kinds of devices (mobile, IoT, biotech)
  • More and different kinds of applications (CMSes, intranet, design platforms)
  • More ways to access and store data (drive, cloud, edge)

In the not-too-distant past, it was commonplace for the vast majority of the workforce to spend the entirety of their working hours at their place of employment. Not true today, where, according to Forbes, at least 50 percent of the US population engage in some form of remote work. That means accessing data from home IPs, routers, or public Wi-Fi, unless using a VPN service.

But users are not necessarily limited to a workforce. Customers sometimes need to access an organization’s resources, depending on the industry. Consider customers that want to select orders for their next delivery, check on inventory, participate in demos or trials, and of course access a company’s website. Suppliers and third-party service companies may need access to other parts of an organization’s infrastructure to check on operations, safety, and progress.

All of these instances point to a wide variation in user base and a larger number of access points to cover. Coming up with specific policies for each of these groups and individuals can be time-consuming, and maintaining the constant influx of new employees and customers will add considerable workload for whomever manages this task moving forward.


In this era of BYOD policies and IoT equipment, plus the “always on” mentality that sometimes strikes for remote employees, organizations must allow for a great variation in devices used for work, as well as the operating systems that come with them. Each of these devices have their own properties, requirements, and communication protocols, which will need to be tracked and secured under the Zero Trust model. Once again, this requires a bit more work upfront but likely yields positive results.


Another challenging factor to take into account when adopting a Zero Trust strategy is the number of applications in use across the organization for people and teams to collaborate and communicate. The most versatile of these apps are cloud-based and can be used across multiple platforms. This versatility can, however, be a complicating factor when deciding what you want to allow and what not.

Are the apps shared with third-party services, agencies, or vendors? Are the communication platforms outward-facing, and not just for employees? Is this application necessary only for a particular department, such as finance, design, or programming? All of these questions must be asked and answered before blindly adopting a stack of 60 applications for the entire workforce.


One reason why the old security policies are growing out of favor is that there’s no one, fixed location that needs to be protected any longer. Organizations can’t just protect endpoints or corporate networks. More and more resources, data, and even applications are stored in cloud-based environments, meaning they can be accessed from anywhere and may rely on server farms in various global locations.

This is further complicated by the potential shift to edge computing, which will require IT teams to switch from a centralized, top-down infrastructure to a decentralized trust model. As we have seen in our series about leaky cloud resources (AWS buckets and elastic servers), the configuration of data infrastructure in cloud services and beyond will need to be flawless if businesses don’t want it to end up as the weakest link in their Zero Trust strategy.

To trust or not to trust

Overhauling to a Zero Trust security framework isn’t easily accomplished, but it’s one we feel strengthen’s an organization’s overall security posture and awareness. IT teams looking to convince executives of the old guard might look for prime opportunities, then, to make their argument. For example, if there’s already a planned move to cloud-based resources, that’s a good time to suggest also adopting Zero Trust.

Changes in the threat landscape, including recent vulnerabilities in VPNs and Citrix, plus ransomware being delivered through Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), might encourage more organizations to investigate a Zero Trust solution, if only for identity and access management. These organizations will have to allow for a transition period and be prepared for some major changes.

A proper Zero Trust framework that doesn’t automatically allow traffic inside the perimeter will certainly hinder the lateral threat movement that hackers use to tighten their grip on a breached network. Top business-focused threats such as Emotet and TrickBot would be hindered from spreading, as they’d be unable to work their way from server to server in a segmented network. Since the point of infiltration is usually not the target location of an attacker, setting up internal perimeters can also limit the severity of a successful attack.

Add to these layers strong data security hygiene and intelligent orchestration that provides wide coverage across threat types, operating systems, and platforms, and businesses have a security framework that’d be pretty tough to beat today. In our eyes, that makes Zero Trust a hero.

The post Explained: the strengths and weaknesses of the Zero Trust model appeared first on Malwarebytes Labs.

A week in security (January 20 – 26)

Last week on Malwarebytes Labs, we reported on a Ryuk ransomware attack on The Tampa Bay Times, a newspaper in Florida; unmasked an elaborate browser locking scheme behind the more advanced tech support operations that are currently active; and looked at the latest laws on regulating deepfakes.

Other cybersecurity news

Stay safe, everyone!

The post A week in security (January 20 – 26) appeared first on Malwarebytes Labs.

Tampa Bay Times hit with Ryuk ransomware attack

Florida newspaper The
Tampa Bay Times
suffered a Ryuk ransomware attack Thursday, making it the
latest major victim of the notorious ransomware family that continues to rise
in popularity.

Curiously, the paper is at least the third Florida-based Ryuk
victim in the past year.

The attack, which The Tampa Bay Times reported on itself, did not result in any breached data. Sensitive customer information, such as subscriber addresses and credit card details, was not disclosed in the breach, the newspaper said.

The Tampa Bay Times
chief digital officer Conan Gallaty said the paper had “a lot of plans for
systems that go down,” and that its priority was in restoring and securing

“The focus for us is to fully recover and then work on
further preventative measures,” Gallaty said.

The newspaper did not respond to the threat actors, and
Gallaty said the paper would have refused any ransom payment demanded. This
stalwart opposition is becoming less common today, as increasingly companies
are forced to choose between the loss of several hundred thousand dollars in
ransom payments, or several hundred thousand dollars in database and operations

Further, when some companies hire the help of outside malware recovery firms, they may be signing up, quietly, for ransomware negotiations. A ProPublica investigation last year found that at least two cybersecurity firms that touted allegedly advanced technology solutions would, in fact, pay off the ransoms demanded by the threat actors who breached their clients.

The investigation of two firms found that:

“The [cybersecurity] firms are alike in other ways. Both
charge victims substantial fees on top of the ransom amounts. They also offer
other services, such as sealing breaches to protect against future attacks.
Both firms have used aliases for their workers, rather than real names, in
communicating with victims.”

Though The Tampa Bay Times did not disclose the Ryuk ransomware attack vector, Gallaty said he believed the paper was unlikely to be a specific target for the threat actors. That’s hard to reconcile with Ryuk’s history—already it has been responsible for crippling the delivery operations for at least four major US newspapers, including The Chicago Tribune and The Los Angeles Times.

In speaking with The
Tampa Bay Times
, Malwarebytes senior security researcher JP Taggart
explained the calculus behind potential Ryuk ransomware targets:

“They’re looking at the people that have the most to lose.”

That bears true when looking at recent Ryuk victims.

In June 2019, the government of Lake City, Florida, crawled to a halt, with phones and computer systems stalled after threat actors successfully implanted a Ryuk variant into the city’s network. Unable to work themselves out of the problem, even with the help of the FBI, the city had to make a choice. It chose to pay $460,000. A similar situation happened months later, in October, when the Alabama-based DCH Health System was forced to partially shut down three of its hospitals after a Ryuk attack. Again, unable to solve the problem, and unable to continue to turn away all but the most critical patients, the hospital operator decided to prioritize patient care, paying an undisclosed amount to the threat actors.

Those payments add up. According to CrowdStrike, Ryuk’s deployment teams have amassed more than $3.7 million in paid ransoms.

When Ryuk’s threat actors haven’t successfully scored a big pay day, though, they’ve still managed to do enormous damage. In April 2019, Imperial County, California, refused to pay an enormous $1.3 million ransom from a Ryuk attack, but, according to The Wall Street Journal, the city has spent $1.6 million in recovery efforts. In late December, the US Coast Guard publicly announced that it suffered a Ryuk attack that shut down a maritime facility for 30 hours.

The ransomware campaigns became so common that the FBI warned the public that threat actors had used Ryuk to target more than 100 US and international businesses since its emergence in August 2018.

According to new Malwarebytes data, those attacks have
continued. From January 1–23, 2020, Malwarebytes recorded a cumulative 724 Ryuk
detections. The daily detections fluctuated, with the lowest detection count at
18 on January 6, and the highest detection count at 47 on January 14.

RyukJan1 23
Ryuk detections reported by Malwarebytes from January 1–23, 2020

The ransomware frequently works in conjunction with Emotet
and TrickBot in multi-stage attacks. Those separate malware families have also
been active in the new year, with small spikes into the thousands of
detections. Emotet, particularly, kicked
itself into high gear again starting on January 13

Emotet Trickbot Ryuk Jan1 23
Recent daily detection activity for Emotet, Trickbot, and Ryuk, reported by Malwarebytes

As we explained before in our threat spotlight on Ryuk:

“The first stage of the attack starts with a weaponized
Microsoft Office document file—meaning, it contains malicious macro
code—attached to a phishing email.
Once the user opens it, the malicious macro will run cmd and execute a PowerShell command. This command
attempts to download Emotet.

Once Emotet executes, it retrieves and executes another
malicious payload—usually TrickBot—and collects information on affected systems. It
initiates the download and execution of TrickBot by reaching out to and
downloading from a pre-configured remote malicious host.

Once infected with TrickBot, the threat actors then check if the
system is part of a sector they are targeting. If so, they download an additional
payload and use the admin credentials stolen using TrickBot to perform lateral
movement to reach the assets they wish to infect.

The threat actors then check for and establish a connection with
the target’s live servers via a remote desktop protocol (RDP).
From there, they drop Ryuk.”

The Tampa Bay Times
did not specify which systems, or how many computers, were disrupted in
Thursday’s attack. Instead, the only hint of inconvenience in the newspaper’s routine
was the acknowledgement that Friday’s newspaper would be published with an
earlier deadline.

The show must go on.

The post Tampa Bay Times hit with Ryuk ransomware attack appeared first on Malwarebytes Labs.

Deepfakes laws and proposals flood US

In a rare example of legislative haste, roughly one dozen state and federal bills were introduced in the past 12 months to regulate deepfakes, the relatively modern technology that some fear could upend democracy.

Though the federal proposals have yet to move forward, the state bills have found quick success at home. Already three states—California, Virginia, and Texas—have enacted deepfake laws, and legislation is pending in Massachusetts, New York, and Maryland, which introduced its own bill on January 16 this year.

The laws and pending legislation vary in scope, penalties,
and focus.

The Virginia law amends current criminal law on revenge porn, making it a crime to, for instance, insert a woman’s digital likeness into a pornographic video without her consent. The Texas law, on the other hand, prohibits the use of deepfakes for election interference, like making a video that fraudulently shows a political candidate at a Neo-Nazi rally one month prior to an election.

A New York bill tackles an entirely different subject—how to treat a deceased person’s digital likeness, a reality that is coming to a screen near you (starring James Dean). And two state laws potentially address the rising threat of “cheapfakes,” low-tech digital frauds that require no artificial intelligence tools to make.

This legislative experimentation is expected for an emerging
technology, said Matthew F. Ferraro, a senior associate at the law firm
WilmerHale who advises clients on national security, cyber security, and crisis

“In some ways, this is [an example] of the laboratories of
democracy,” Ferraro said, citing an idea popularized decades ago by Supreme
Court Justice Louis Brandeis. “This is what people cheer about.”

But one category of deepfakes legislation has earned more upset than others—the kind that solely regulates potential election interference. Groups including the American Civil Liberties Union, Electronic Frontier Foundation, and First Draft, which researches and combats disinformation, warn of threats to free speech.

Further, prioritizing political deepfakes legislation could, in effect, deprioritize the larger problem of deepfake pornography, which accounts for a whopping 96 percent of deepfake material online today, said Adam Dodge, founder of the nonprofit End Technology-Enabled Abuse, or EndTAB.

“I think it’s
important that we address future harm, I just don’t want that to come at the
expense of the people being harmed right now,” Dodge said. “We have four
deepfakes laws on the books in the United States, and 50 percent of them don’t
address 96 percent of the problem.”

Today, Malwarebytes provides a more detailed look at deepfakes legislation and laws in the United States, following our analysis last week of the country’s first-ever, federal deepfake rules. Far beyond what that language requires, the following bills and laws call for civil and criminal penalties, and directly address concerns of both political disinformation and nonconsensual pornography.

Federal deepfakes legislation before Congress

Before lawmakers in Washington, DC, are at least four federal deepfakes bills in both the US House of Representatives and the Senate. They are:

  • The Identifying Outputs of Generative
    Adversarial Networks (IOGAN) Act
  • The Deepfake Report Act of 2019
  • A Bill to Require the Secretary of Defense to
    Conduct a Study on Cyberexploitation of Members of the Armed Forces and Their
    Families and for Other Purposes
  • The Defending Each and Every Person from False
    Appearances by Keeping Exploitation Subject (DEEP FAKES) to Accountability Act

The bills largely hew to one another. The IOGAN Act, for example, would require the directors of both the National Science Foundation and the National Institute of Standards and Technology to submit reports to Congress about potential research opportunities with the country’s private sector in detecting deepfakes.

The Deepfake Report Act would require the Department of Homeland Security to submit a report to Congress about the technologies used to create and detect deepfakes. Senator Ben Sasse’s “cyberexploitation” bill would require the Secretary of Defense to study the potential vulnerabilities of US armed forces members to cyberexploitation, including “misappropriated images and videos as well as deep fakes.”

FAKES Accountability Act, however, extends beyond reporting and research requirements.
If passed, the bill would require anyone making a deepfake—be it image, audio,
or video—to label the deepfake with a “watermark” that shows the deepfake’s

But Dodge said
watermarks and labels would fail to help anyone whose likeness is used in a
nonconsensual deepfake porn video.

“The reality is, when it comes to the battle against deepfakes,
everybody is focused on detection, on debunking and unmasking a video as a
deepfake,” Dodge said. “That doesn’t help women, because the people watching those
videos don’t care that they’re fake.”

FAKES Accountability Act would make it a crime to knowingly fail to provide that
watermark, punishable by up to five years in prison. Further, the bill would
impose a civil penalty of up to $150,000 for each purposeful failure to provide
a watermark on a deepfake.

According to
Electronic Frontier Foundation, those are severe penalties for activities that
the bill itself fails to fully define. For example, making a deepfake with the
intent to “humiliate” someone would become a crime, but there is no clear
definition of what that term means, or whether that humiliation would require
harm. In the bill’s attempt to stop deceitful and malicious activity, the organization
said, it may have reached too far.

“The [DEEP
FAKES Accountability Act] underscores a key question that must be answered:
from a legal and legislative perspective, what is the difference between a
malicious ‘deepfakes’ video and satire, parody, or entertainment?” the
organization wrote
. “What lawmakers have discussed so far shows they do not
know how to make these distinctions.”

the concerns shift to whether deepfakes legislation will have its intended

State deepfakes laws and legislation

Last summer, the warnings about the democratization of deepfakes technology became reality—a new app offered for free on Windows gave users the ability to remove clothes from uploaded photos of women. The app, called DeepNude, was first discovered by Motherboard. It shut down just hours after the outlet published its first piece.

Less than one week later, a new deepfake law in Virginia came
into effect. The state’s lawmakers had passed it months earlier, in March.

Unique when compared to later state deepfake laws, Virginia’s
law did not craft a new crime for deepfake creation and distribution, but
instead expanded its current law on revenge porn to include deepfakes material.
Now, in Virginia, anyone who shares or sells nude or sexual images and videos—including
deepfakes—with the intent to “coerce, harass, or intimidate,” is guilty of a
Class 1 misdemeanor.

Dodge said he appreciated Virginia’s approach.

“The Virginia law is interesting because it’s the only law
that has taken the existing nonconsensual pornography criminal code section and
amended it to include deepfakes pornography,” Dodge said, “and I like that.”

Shortly after Virginia enacted its deepfake law, Texas
followed, passing a law that instead focused on election interference.
According to the law, the act of creating and sharing a deepfake video within 30
days of an election with the intent to “injure a candidate or influence the
result of an election” is now a Class A misdemeanor. The law’s definition of a
deepfake is broad: a video “created with the intent to deceive, that appears to
depict a real person performing an action that did not occur in reality.”

The law has already received a high-profile use-case: Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner asked the district attorney to investigate his opponent’s campaign for making a television ad that showed edited photos of the mayor, along with an allegedly fake text he sent.

In October, California followed both Virginia and Texas, passing two laws—one to prohibit nonconsensual deepfake pornography, and the other to prohibit deepfakes used to impact the outcome of an upcoming election.

The bills’ author—Assembly Member Marc Berman—said he wrote the latter bill after someone created and shared an altered video of Nancy Pelosi, appearing to show her as impaired or drunk. But the video was far from a deepfake. Instead, its creator simply took footage of the Speaker of the House of Representatives and slowed it down, making what is now referred to as a “cheapfake.”

Ferraro said that trying to pass legislation to prevent
cheapfakes will be difficult, though.

“It’s going to be very hard to write a bill that captures
all of those so-called cheapfakes, because the regular editing of videos could
fall under a definition that is too broad,” Ferraro said, explaining that standard,
everyday broadcast interviews incorporate countless edits that might change the
overall impression of the interview to audiences, even when the edits are done
for non-malicious reasons, like cutting away from a political candidate giving
a speech to show their audience.

“That’s the sort of problem of the cheapfake: Simple editing
can give vastly different impressions, based on the content,” Ferraro said.

As California, Texas, and Virginia work out the enforcement
of their laws, Maryland, New York, and Massachusetts are considering their own approaches
to legislating deepfakes.

On January 16, Maryland introduced a bill targeting political influence deepfakes. The bill, which has a scheduled hearing in early February, prohibits individuals from “willfully or knowingly influencing or attempting to influence a voter’s decision to go to the polls or to cause a vote for a particular candidate by publishing, distributing, or disseminating a deepfake online within 90 days of an election.”

The Massachusetts deepfake legislation would criminalize the
use of deepfakes for already “criminal or tortious conduct,” in effect making
it illegal to use a deepfake in conjunction with completing other crimes. So,
committing fraud? That’s a crime. But deploying a deepfake to aid in committing
that fraud? Well, that would also be a crime.

Finally, in New York, state lawmakers are trying to
legislate a different aspect of deepfakes and digital recreations—the rights to
an individual’s digital likeness. The bill was introduced last year, expired,
and was then re-introduced. It would protect a person’s digital likeness 40
years after their death. The bill would also create a registry for surviving
family members to record their control of a deceased relative’s likeness.

The Screen Actors Guild‐American Federation of Television
and Radio Artists supported the bill.

“The state’s robust performance community should not have to endure years of costly litigation to protect their basic livelihood and artistic legacy,” the group said.

Major motion picture studios, including Disney, Warner Bros., and NBCUniversal opposed the bill. Though Disney’s filmmakers said they received approval from the estate of the late actor Peter Cushing to use his likeness in the 2017 movie Star Wars: Rogue One, it’s not hard to see why required approval for future projects would prove an obstacle for Hollywood.

What next?

The opposition to deepfakes laws is clear: Such laws could
be overbroad, uninformed, and, in their attempt to regulate one problem,
actually trample on the protected rights of Americans.

The bigger question is, has the opposition been successful? In
a word, no.

Texas passed its election interference deepfake law with no recorded opposition votes in either the House or the Senate (though two House members were a “no vote” and four abstained). California similarly passed its election interference deepfake law in a 67–4 vote in the Assembly and a 29–7 vote in the Senate. After the vote, the ACLU of California wrote to the California governor, asking for a veto. It didn’t work.  

In Washington, DC, though, the situation could be different, since new Federal rules on deepfakes research were approved last month. Those rules require the Director of National Intelligence to submit a report to Congress in 180 days about deepfakes capabilities across the world and possible countermeasures in the US. Until that report is submitted, Senators and Representatives might have little appetite to move forward.

Much like the statewide sweep of data privacy laws last year, the future of deepfake laws depends on political will, popularity, and whether lawmakers even have time to draft and pass such legislation. It is, after all, an election year.

The post Deepfakes laws and proposals flood US appeared first on Malwarebytes Labs.

WOOF locker: Unmasking the browser locker behind a stealthy tech support scam operation

In the early days, practically all tech support scammers would get their own leads by doing some amateur SEO poisoning and keyword stuffing on YouTube and other social media sites. They’d then leverage their boiler room to answer incoming calls from victims.

Today, these practices continue, but we are seeing more advanced operations with a clear separation between lead generation and actual call fulfillment. Malvertising campaigns and redirections from compromised sites to browser locker pages are owned and operated by experienced purveyors of web traffic.

There is one particular browser locker (browlock) campaign that had been eluding us for some time. It stands apart from the others, striking repeatedly on high-profile sites, such as the Microsoft Edge Start page, and yet, eluding capture. In addition, and a first to our knowledge, the browser locker pages were built to be ephemeral with unique, time-sensitive session tokens.

In November 2019, we started dedicating more time to investigating this campaign, but it wasn’t until December that we were finally able to understand its propagation mechanism. In this blog, we share our findings by documenting how threat actors used targeted traffic-filtering coupled with steganography to create the most elaborate browser locker traffic scheme to date.

A well-documented history

There are many public reports about this tech support scam affecting users with the same red screen template. Contrary to what some people have posted online, this is not malware, and computers aren’t infected. It is simply what we call a browser locker, or browlock for short, a social engineering technique that gives the illusion of a computer virus and scares people into calling a toll-free number for assistance. Here are some examples:

One lengthy and epic forum thread on Microsoft’s forums describes how this browlock campaign has been afflicting the Microsoft Edge start page and even left Microsoft engineers puzzled as to where, exactly, it came from:

We do quite a bit of work to scan the ads we get from our exchanges, but some behave differently for certain users than they do when we do our scanning. In the future, please continue to submit feedback so we can narrow the scans on our end and potentially reproduce and remove this once and for all.

This is noteworthy for a couple of reasons: First, it is quite daring to push your browlock right on Microsoft’s own start page. Second, a large part of the targeted audience for tech support scams are going to be people that use Windows’ default browser and start page. To this day, this campaign is still active on the MSN portal.

Figure 1: Life cycle of a tech support scam campaign

This browlock was also found on many other large sites, including several online newspaper portals. For a campaign to run with such a wide distribution and for this length of time is unheard of, at least when it comes to browser lockers.

Cat-and-mouse game

Each victim report we received was more or less the same. A user would open up the MSN homepage or perhaps be browsing a popular tech portal, when all of the sudden their screen would turn red and display a warning message similar to the one shown below:

Figure 2: Browlock as seen by a victim

As we’d go to manually check the page, we would be greeted with a “404 Not Found” error message, as if it were gone. For this reason, we began calling this campaign the “404Browlock.” Attempts to replay the browser locker redirection by visiting the same portals as the victims were also unsuccessful.

Figure 3: Same browlock URL but now unavailable

Most, if not all, browlock URLs can be revisited without any special user-agent or geo-location tricks. In fact, browlocks themselves aren’t typically sophisticated; their only advantage is they can iterate through hundreds or thousands of different domain names more rapidly than one can blacklist them.

Mapping the browser locker campaign infrastructure

Despite coming up empty each time, we started to build a list of indicators of compromise (IOCs) and did some retro hunting to get a better idea of the scale of this campaign.

Most domain names are registered on the .XYZ TLD (although several other TLDs have and continue to be used) and named using dictionary words grabbed somewhat alphabetically.

2019-12-06,transfiltration[.]xyz,158.69.0[.]190,AS 16276 (OVH SAS)
2019-12-06,transmutational[.]xyz,158.69.0[.]190,AS 16276 (OVH SAS)
2019-12-06,tricotyledonous[.]xyz,158.69.0[.]190,AS 16276 (OVH SAS)
2019-12-06,triethanolamine[.]xyz,158.69.0[.]190,AS 16276 (OVH SAS)
2019-12-06,trigonometrical[.]xyz,158.69.0[.]190,AS 16276 (OVH SAS)
2019-12-06,trithiocarbonic[.]xyz,158.69.0[.]190,AS 16276 (OVH SAS)

The threat actor hosts, on average, six domains on each VPS server, and then rotates to new ones when they are burned. After retro hunting back to June 2019, we collected over 400 unique IP addresses.

graph view
Figure 4: Graph view of domains and servers for this campaign

Looking at additional data sources, we can see that this browser locker campaign started at least in December 2017. At the time, the infrastructure was located on a different hosting provider and domains used the .WIN TLD.

Figure 5: The earliest known instance of the browlock

Even back then, visiting the browlock URL directly (without proper redirection) would also result in a 404 page.

urlscanio win
Figure 6: Incomplete browlock scanned by crawler

One lone artifact, an audio file (help.mp3), was indexed by VirusTotal and can be played below:

Again based on open source data, we created a rough timeline of the infrastructure the threat actors abused—from where they were first spotted on Petersburg Internet to moving briefly to DigitalOcean before settling on OVH from January 30, 2019 onward.

Figure 7: Timeline showing changes in hosting providers

Steganography to hide redirection mechanism

Given that we couldn’t identify how this browlock was propagating, we figured it must be using an unconventional trick.

Many of the sites that victims reported being on when the browlock happened contained videos, so we thought one likely vector could be video ads. This form of malvertising is more advanced than traditional malicious banners because it enables the crooks to hide their payload within media content.

Once again, we spent a fair amount of time looking at video ads but still couldn’t identify the entry point. We switched our search to another type of medium but evidence was shared with us later on confirming the video ad infection vector.

Coincidentally, we had just been studying some interesting new developments with online credit card skimmers where malicious code was embedded into image files. This technique, known as steganography, is a clever way to hide artifacts from humans and scanners.

While developing tools to identify such rogue images, we came across what we thought might be the smoking gun. We discovered a PNG file that contained obfuscated data.

This time though, if the fraudsters were indeed using steganography, they certainly weren’t making it obvious. We identified a malformed PNG file that contained extra data after its end of file marker and looked suspicious.

Figure 8: A small image hiding away data (the browlock URL)

Unlike the aforementioned credit card skimmer, which was clearly visible and recognizable with obvious character strings, this one looked like it was encoded. And clearly, the image on its own could not be weaponized without additional code to load with the per-victim unique key to decrypt it.

Anti-bot and traffic filtering

The JavaScript code that interacted with the PNG image used some light hex obfuscation and random variable naming to hide its intentions.

Figure 9: JavaScript used to fingerprint users and decode the PNG

The hex string x57x45x42x47x4c decodes to WEBGL, and by decoding the rest of the obfuscated variable, we can see that this script is using the WEBGL_debug_renderer_info API to gather the victim’s video card properties. This allows the threat actors to sort real browsers (therefore real people) from crawlers or even virtual machines, which would not show the expected hardware information. The Zirconium group’s vast malvertising operation, disclosed in January 2018 by Jerome Dangu over at Confiant, also used that same API to filter traffic.

But perhaps the most interesting function within this JavaScript snippet is the one that processes the actual PNG image behind the steganography. The _Nux function parses the image data by using the @#@ delimeter (as seen in Figure 8 above) and stores it within the _OIEq variable.

Figure 10: The core function responsible for the decryption of the PNG data

If the user is detected as a bot or not interesting traffic, the PNG does not contain the extra data after the IEND end of file marker, and therefore the _OIEq variable will be empty.

clean PNG
Figure 11: A clean/decoy PNG (for non targets)

The function still attempts to parse the PNG, but it will fail on the eval, and will not generate the browlock URL. The user, not being considered a proper candidate, will not be redirected and won’t even be aware of the fingerprinting that just happened.

empty data
Figure 12: When the PNG does not contain any extra data, no browlock URL is returned

This kind of filtering is not usually seen (except for advanced malvertising operations), which is one of the reasons why so many victims have experienced this browlock, yet little is known about it.

Anti-replay mechanism

The next evasion technique is intended for security folks, and those trying to troubleshoot these malicious redirections. A network traffic capture (SAZ, HAR) must include the malicious JavaScript, as well as the steganographic PNG and the browlock itself.

Figure 13: Network traffic revealing the elements behind the redirection

Similar to a technique we’ve previously only observed with exploit kits, the threat actor is using one-time tokens to prevent “artificial” replays of the redirection mechanism. If the proper session key is not provided, the decryption of the PNG data will fail to produce the browlock URL.

Figure 14: When the wrong key is supplied, the code fails to generate the browlock URL

Once again, we must pause for a moment and note that this kind of complexity is unheard of for something like a browser locker. While cloaking techniques are common, this is by far the most covert way we’ve seen to redirect to any browlock.

Other traffic chains

After we had discovered the PNG redirection mechanism, we shared our findings with security firm Confiant. They were aware of the domain api.imagecloudsedo[.]com but had seen it in a different campaign. Confiant nicknamed it WOOF due to a string of the same name found in the code.

WOOf script
Figure 15: WOOF script identified by Confiant in September 2019

Additionally, Google, via Confiant’s intermediary, shared yet another instance that explains the number of redirections from newspaper sites we had been seeing. This second instance of the WOOf script was loaded via video widgets.

Digital Media Communications, a company that specializes in ads converted into widgets for the web, was apparently compromised several months ago. According to data collected by the Internet Archive, one of their scripts hosted at widgets.digitalmediacommunications[.]com/chosen/chosen.jquery.min.js was injected on August 13, 2019.

injected 1
Figure 16: Evidence of tampering caught via Internet Archive

A number of websites, many of them news portals, load this widget and are therefore unwittingly exposing their visitors, as the compromised library subsequently retrieves the malicious PNG from api.imagecloudsedo[.]com before redirecting to the browlock page.

Figure 17: Online newspaper site with compromised widget

It’s highly likely that there are other compromises of third parties that haven’t been found yet, although we suspect that the methods used would be similar to the ones we know about.

Examining the browser locker page

The following diagram depicts what needs to take place in order for victims to get redirected to the browser locker page after several layers of validation.

Figure 18: Flow showing redirection mechanism to browlock pages

Ultimately, the previously analyzed function will arrive at the eval part of the code and return code to launch the browlock.

top.location = '[browlock URL]';

This little bit of code redirects the current browser page to the new URL. It is, in fact, one of the most common techniques for malicious ads to redirect users to scam pages. We believe the threat actor is likely using the same trick for its other malvertising campaigns.

Figure 19: The browlock template for Google Chrome

This browser locker is clean and contained as it obfuscates its source code and has few external dependencies, such as libraries. We can see that it uses the evil cursor, which is a flaw that allows criminals to create a fake cursor that tricks users into clicking on the wrong area when they are trying to close a browlock.

Figure 20: Source code showing the fake cursor designed to interfere

While Chrome and Edge users can somewhat get rid of the offending page, on Firefox, this is a true browlock, causing the browser to eventually crash.

FF browlock
Figure 21: User cannot close the browlock in Firefox

The code used to freeze the browser has been duplicated enough times to render the browser useless. In the image below, we see the same function with slightly different parameters.

Figure 22: Code responsible for the browlock effect

If we deobfuscate any of the functions, we recognize the history.pushState() method, which we reported back in 2016, and which is still not handled well by most browsers. This bug actually came to Mozilla’s attention three years ago, and more recently when someone reported the same 404Browlock:

bug report
Figure 23: User reporting same browlock to Mozilla

Browser lockers can be difficult to fix because they often use code that is otherwise perfectly legitimate. Browser vendors often have to juggle with performance and compatibility issues at the same time.

Handing victims over to tech support scammers

The ultimate goal for browser lockers is to get people to call for assistance to resolve (non-existent) computer problems. This is handled by third parties via fraudulent call centers. The threat actor behind the traffic redirection and browlock will get paid for each successful lead.

To confuse victims, the fake Microsoft agent will tell you to run some commands simply intended to open up a browser window.

Figure 24: Scammer instructing victim to run a command

From there, they will ask you to download and run a remote assistance program that will enable them to take control of your computer. A few minutes later, they will use their favorite tool, notepad, to start drafting an invoice:

Figure 25: The invoice to fix this browlock

While the machine is still supposedly infected, they will simply browse to a site to take the payment for 1 year, 3 year, or 5 year plans costing $195, $245, and $345, respectively.

Where do we go from here?

Given the level of sophistication involved in this campaign, we can expect that the threat actor has diversified their traffic to have some kind of redundancy.

We hope that our efforts to expose this scheme will help others to identify the browlock redirections within their networks. Despite our repeated attempts to report these abuses, they have not been fixed. We remain available to OVH for closer collaboration to shut down this campaign.

For best protection against this and other browlocks, we recommend using our free browser extension, Browser Guard. Not only does it benefit from our domain and IP blacklist, but it can also detect and block browlocks and other tech support scams via signatureless techniques.


We would like to thank Confiant for sharing additional data regarding the other cases of the malicious script (_WOOf variant).

Thanks to @prsecurity_ for pointing out a quicker way to retrieve the browlock URL by RC4 decrypting the PNG data using the unique key found within the script.

Indicators of Compromise (IOCs)

There are simply too many IOCs to put here, so we’ve uploaded the browlock domains and IP addresses as a STIX2 file onto our GitHub page. It includes data going back to June 2019 based on indicators we collected by conducting retro hunting. Please note that this is only a partial account of this campaign based on the data we could collect.

Compromised library


Steganographic redirector


Regex to identify the browlock URLs


The post WOOF locker: Unmasking the browser locker behind a stealthy tech support scam operation appeared first on Malwarebytes Labs.

A week in security (January 13 – 19)

Last week on Malwarebytes Labs, we taught you how to prevent a rootkit attack, explained what data enrichment means, informed you about new rules on deepfakes in the US, and demonstrated how backdoors in elastic servers expose private data.

Other cybersecurity news

  • An online group of cybersecurity analysts calling themselves Intrusion Truth have revealed information about their fourth Chinese state-sponsored hacking operation. (Source: ZDNet)
  • Travelex warned customers of a phone scam threat in wake of their ransomware attack. (Source: Graham Cluley)
  • The federal government is preparing for another fight with Apple in an ongoing battle for access to encrypted iPhones. (Source: Vox recode)
  • Proof-of-concept exploit code has been published for critical flaws impacting the Cisco Data Center Network Manager (DCNM) tool for managing network platforms and switches. (Source: ThreatPost)
  • The Dutch National Cybersecurity Centre (NCSC) says that companies should consider turning off Citrix ADC and Gateway servers if the impact is acceptable. (Source: BleepingComputer)
  • Hackers stole personal information from 100,000 West Australians in a cyberattack on P&N Bank. (The West Australian)
  • In an important Patch Tuesday release, Microsoft fixed critical bugs in CryptoAPI, RD Gateway, and .NET. (Source: Naked Security)
  • The latest update to Google’s Smart Lock app on iOS means you can now use your iPhone as a physical 2FA security key for logging into Google’s first-party services in Chrome. (Source: The Verge)
  • The domain name has been seized by the FBI. The website sold information claiming to have more than 12 billion records gathered from over 10,000 breaches. (Source: DarkReading)
  • Pretending to be the Permanent Mission of Norway, Emotet operators performed a targeted phishing attack against users associated with the United Nations. (Source: BleepingComputer)

Stay safe, everyone!

The post A week in security (January 13 – 19) appeared first on Malwarebytes Labs.